How the Heart Sutra connects to the 8 Heart Kings

How the Heart Sutra connects to the 8 Heart Kings Heart equals awareness ability 8 heart king The heart has 8 functions Sutra – the Philosophy book of awakening The eternal truth of time, space and consciousness. Observing Self-Being Bodhisattva The highest Bodhisattva respectful calling Bodhisattva Developing Buddha awareness and compassion to help every life

Heart Sutra – Essence Function Goal

Heart Sutra Heart Sutra is the book for learning the foundation ability of the highest level of Buddhism, Buddhisatva system. Heart Sutra is a guide for blind consciousness to be awakened. Being awakened means being out of suffering eternally. This means to understand and be aware of Heart. Heart does not mean the material heart.

Bodhidharma Sutra – Discussion and practice tips

Bodhidharma Sutra – Conversation between Double Dragon Dharma Self Being and Dharma Joy “Third, seeking nothing. People of this world are deluded. They’re always longing for something-always, in a word, seeking. But the wise wake up.” Been reading the Bodhidharma translations most morning. Sinking more to heart and it’s cool to observe regular life from

Buddhism Key Word Definitions – draft

Definitions   Definition of Awareness Creates our feeling about life. The result from whatever we connect to in life (Illusion being, receiving, thinking, and action.) The 5th Development (From Five developments philosophy)   Definition of Awareness boundary What we live in every second. We can only feel what we are aware of and nothing more.

Diamond Sutra Introduction

Diamond Sutra Introduction   Diamond Sutra comes from Por Ler Philosophy Sutras.  And all this sutra have 10 different kinds. But together have 751 books. 600 Books belong to one kind which is called Greatest Por Ler Por Le means Wisdom or to reach the final goal of life. Or to reach Nirvana or to

Tai Chi High Level – Steam Hand

Tai Chi Cloud Hand Summary: First Ability – Procedure (Practice until this is natural ability.) All the things you know feel them, not think about them. Power from foot spring point, transition to centre but not straight up, curve up to centre, rotation style, but doesn’t have to twist. Twist take longer but create more

Diamond heart sutra

Diamond Heart Sutra 1. Aware we are observing for blind self being 2. Observing wisdom 3. Wisdom choice – follow the wisdom 4. Become the wisdom 5. Help others develop internal pure land 6. Develop external pure land help million universe develop external pure land – become 1st level Bodhisattva – unlimited dharma joy. I