The Game of Life

Introduction介紹 Welcome to the game of life.歡迎來到生命的遊戲。 Rules of the game遊戲規則 1.In this game, everything changes eventually, except the rules.在這個遊戲中,除了規則之外,一切最終都會改變。 2.The game never repeats.這場遊戲永遠不會重複。 3.This game is played by every life in every universe every second. You have to play.The game never stops.每個宇宙中的每一個生命,無時無刻都在玩這個遊戲。你參與其中,而且這場遊戲永遠不會停止。 4.Every life starts with no idea how to play this game.每個生命都從不知道如何玩這個遊戲開始。 5.You

What word can explain the meaning of life?

Sunday Buddhism summary The main single wordExpress the meaning of lifeDharmaConsciousnessesHeartIllusion being Empty cover illusion beingIllusion being also cover emptyBut easy take it into one direction as nothing as miss understandingSo most time will be expressEmpty is not empty able to appear as illusion beingBut stay alway empty Monk see 4 elements together as our

3 Eternal Gates Philosophy

3 Eternal Gates Philosophy ⛩—All Bodhisattva become Buddha through graduate these 3 Gates. In no 2 philosophy these 3 are 1 and called no 2 Gates.—EmptyReleaseWuway—From No 2 Wisdom These Gates are not different.But can talk about these three different:—Empty Gate – is the essence. You aware your aware it’s always empty. When you are

No wisdom no life

Life is about learning life. If you don’t understand life then you are only living, as a living ghost. Buddhism call that blind act. No wisdom no life.

Levels of consciousness within the changing.

Levels of consciousness within the changing Greedy for the changing Free from the changing – see through illusion Free to create the changing