Eternal light is Amitabha created by his pure wise kindness heart

Friday summary Eternal light is AmitabhaCreating by his pure wise kindness heart Value eternal wisdom1 – Aware life is illusionHold nothingFree from blindness ego reincarnation Value true self essence2.- Wise choiceBack to pure joyful essenceOpen heart to share dharma joy Value awaken self being3 – Developing 4 eternalHeart 6 Bodhisattva charactersCreating kindness towards everyone 😊🙏🐉💚🍀

Life is tricky

Life is tricky Easy to follow ego lazy and all kind of blind habits, so easy is not easy, because you are going to have a suffering life. And difficult is not difficult, because develop a wise and complete purify compassion system is difficult. But once you have the ability to do so Life become

Piang Moments

Equal Heart Piang #1: We don’t learn equal heart in an equal world. We learn equal heart in an unequal world. Sifu explanation: Equal Heart one side – All this ego our blindness our stupidity our attitude and behaviour is not bad if you use Observing Self Being and change it. But if you don’t

Procedure of Bodhisattva Heart Development: Foundation to develop Bodhisattva ability

Procedure of Bodhisattva Heart Development: Foundation to develop Bodhisattva ability Short Summary Bodhisattva Way: Practice Observing Self-Being, before intention, thinking, speaking and action – then joyful and wise result will appear to be received as our experience of life. Blind way: Blind intention, thinking, speaking become blind action – suffering appears, then regret and try

Intention Poem

Intention Intention is a magic creator,unlimited appearing form, in all dimensions, has no limitationFree for the Artist to paint, in any direction