[動禪涅槃 Moving – Meditation Nirvana

[ 動禪涅槃 ] Moving – Meditation Nirvana You can listen here:   生為動,命是禪。 Life is moving; Living is Zen. 所有生物以動為生。 All living things live by moving. 不動而亡故稱動物。 Animals mean the motion of objects because they will die once moving stops. 欲動為本,體動為形。 Desire is the root; Action is the form. 情動故群聚,意動成所思。 Emotions join all life gather

Causation Discussion

Causation Discussion ☺️🙏🏼 Brooke: Causation is a system of cause and effect. And that system, it’s not one to one. Many causes create many effects, which create a whole web of causation. Tim: Causation. Every cause has an effect, and every effect is a new cause, and so on. Sifu explained it in quite a

Essence: 1 Heart, 2 Gates

Essence: 1 Heart, 2 Gates 1 Heart There is one eternal heart—no beginning, no end. It’s pure, and in that purity lies true security. 2 Gates The first gate is the Blind Gate. It’s connected to the limitless web of causation and illusion, the “I.” In this gate, we experience all kinds of suffering, but

Taiji Notes

Taiji Notes Cat walk Puma stomach Lion chest Eagle eyes

Spiritual Will – How do we know if we are living in spiritual will or not?

Spiritual Will How do we know if we are living in spiritual will or not? The only way to tell if you are living in spiritual will is through discipline. Intention is just a possibility—the seed is there, but it doesn’t mean it’s growing. However, the possibility is always present. Spiritual will can only become