Meditation Life Frequency

Dharma Net: The Complete System of Life

In this post:

In my Buddhism class on Sunday, Sifu explained the word “Dharma” and how to describe the system of life. He used the phrase  “Dharma Net.”

To understand the Dharma Net, we will discuss the following:

– Dharma as a system for turning blindness into wisdom.
– Dharma as encompassing many smaller systems—space, time, life forms, awakening, etc.
– Awakening as becoming aware of all the incredible systems of life.


Dharma as a System for Turning Blindness into Wisdom

Sifu used the phrase Dharma Net to explain that Dharma is a word covering the whole system of life.

Within this system, there are many smaller systems.

Wisdom only exists if there is blindness.

Wisdom only exists if there is blindness. Wisdom is free from blindness.

If there’s no blindness, there’s no wisdom.

The heart has two unlimited directions:

The heart has two unlimited directions:
– Unlimited ability to create blindness.
– Unlimited ability to create wisdom.

This is the philosophy of One Heart, Two Gates

The heart is free in both directions; it can create unlimited blindness, suffering, and hells. It can also create unlimited wisdom, joy, and pure lands.

Both sides are connected. Experiencing suffering teaches us how to develop wisdom to be free from it.

This means a life form can slowly develop all the systems needed to be free from suffering, blindness, greed, hate, and stupidity. Such a life form develops an incredible force even stronger than unlimited hells, called awakened wisdom.

Dharma Has Many Smaller Systems Within It

Space is a system

All space goes through four cycles:
1. Appearing
2. Developing
3. Destroying
4. Emptiness

Life-form is a system

Life forms experience four cycles:
1. Birth
2. Aging
3. Illness
4. Death

Material World Causation is a System

For consciousness, like humans, our consciousness connects to a material form.

Our consciousness creates an intention, which leads to thinking, speaking, and action to affect the world around us.

Originally, this started as what Buddha called “Blind Action.” Our birth into this space and illusion.

As humans, we are born blindly without knowing why or where. We cannot control it.

This process of blindly being born and dying over and over is called reincarnation.

To awaken, we must begin to observe this blind process. The start of this journey is a philosophy called “observing self-being.”


Observing Self-Being Is a System

At the first level, we blindly follow the ego. The ego is defined by “I” and “mine,” centring on who I am, what I am, and what I want. This focus on the ego limits our awareness.

Awareness arises through our consciousness which operates through the six senses:
1. Eyes
2. Ears
3. Nose
4. Tongue
5. Body
6. Mind

These six senses receive six kinds of information:
– Eyes receive light and dark.
– Ears receive sound and silence.
– Nose receives scent or no scent.
– Tongue tastes flavour or no flavour.
– Body feels touch and separation.
– Mind engages in calculation or not.

When these senses interact with sense information, they create our experience. However, because our senses are limited, our experience is always limited. Thus, we can never fully understand the complete truth of life.

To move beyond these limitations and understand the complete truth, we must expand beyond the boundary of awareness created by our senses. Buddhism teaches this: observing the processes of birth, aging, illness, and death, understanding the cycles of existence, and ultimately transcending them.


Daoism Is a System

In Daoism, followers practice observing and understanding the Dao, the abstract, empty essence of life.

Through disciplined training, they expand their awareness to become high-level gods, aware of all the systems above.


Buddhism Is a System

Buddhism teaches that all these systems serve a function: to awaken the awakened heart.

All the systems are illusions. Once the heart is awakened, it is free from any system yet able to create new systems to help other life forms awaken.

In this way, Buddhism exists outside of the other systems. Even gods can die when their universe collapses.


Awakening is Becoming Aware of All the Incredible Systems of Life

Awaken what? Awaken our hearts.

If life is an illusion, what are we awakening? Our incredible pure essence force.

This force can create unlimited illusions to experience and enjoy life. It can also be aware of Dharma and help every other life awaken this force.

When we practice observing and connecting with these systems, we create a wider view of life. This view helps our hearts become brighter, which is a direct way out of fear and worry.


Conclusion: Embracing the Dharma Net

The Dharma Net is not just a complex system to be understood intellectually—it’s a living, breathing force that connects us all.

By awakening to the systems of life, from the cycles of space and time to the nature of suffering and wisdom, we open our hearts to limitless possibilities.

We begin to realise that within us lies the capacity for both blindness and brilliance, suffering and joy. As we learn to balance these forces, we can cultivate a life of greater awareness, compassion, and peace.

Each step in this journey brings us closer to understanding the nature of life and the incredible potential within our hearts. As we continue to awaken, we free ourselves from fear and worry, stepping into a world filled with clarity, purpose, and love.

Let this path inspire you to learn and live with an open, free, and forever-expanding heart. The Dharma Net is your invitation to transcend limitations and embrace the wisdom that awaits within you.