Poem of Awakening Water Dragon
I meditate and become the dragon river
No care for any goal, just free to flow
Here I am happy to roar and enjoy every amazing step of Sky Zen martial arts roll
Collide with the magic rocks, but nothing can stop me go go go
Not even Mystical -Time can make me get old
Till I arrive into the open arms of Ocean old friend which is saying to me : Welcome home home home
A true dragon never lets anything hold them
Thanks to blue Ocean but Look up at the river stars
in the sky
Charge with the passion of the golden Sun, I fly
You will see me again anywhere and many where
Because I am the unlimited wonder of brave heart legend
Just go with the flow, free from birth, laugh at death
There is no beginning No end, and No I
but appear as any illusion I I I
Come with me No I to create
Wisdom eternal I
And being joy of
kindness heart true I