Who was Zhang Sanfeng? 張三丰

You need wisdom to train your body properly.

The wisdom comes from the history of martial arts, the master Zhang Seng Feng.

He was 100 years old when he created Cloud Hands, then Tai Chi Yin and Yang power. He is the number one martial arts legend.

He taught using philosophy poems.

You live on Earth, so you understand that you always need good posture.

You are not a robot; you cannot always have good posture. Look at all the animals: it doesn’t matter if they lie down, run, or jump – their body is relaxed and works together.

Consider the puma: any picture you take of them looks perfect, relaxed, and beautiful. Humans now have the ugliest posture of any animal on Earth because we create tension and move so much power into our minds. Mental power is a new experience for humans, but not for all consciousness, as some humans already have Intuition Power.

Animal survival power is called desire. Emotional power is The next higher level: they share, care for their infants, and work together. Human beings have one more level called Thinking Power. It’s new for us, so we spend much of our energy in the brain and then don’t have the power to be aware of our body.

For animals to survive, their body awareness has to be perfect. They cannot have any injury or anything wrong with their balance. They must be aware of their centre because they will be eaten if they lose their balance.

So they have a lot of awareness, sensitivity, and centre power. After a few thousand years, the master Zhang Seng Feng explained this understanding of what’s important.

Not all human beings are in the Mental Power stage. Some humans finish developing their mental power in a past life and graduate to the next power, Intuition Power.

That ability directly understands all knowledge through the symbols, through the few perfect ideas that connect to all the angles of wisdom, which is called philosophy. Through Intuition Power, they immediately see what they mean and how to live properly.

When those consciousnesses became human beings, they used their mind power to codify perfect ideas about using Intuition Power. They wrote down philosophies that teach you how to live strong, healthy, sensitive lives in harmony with your body and nature. Life will be free from suffering, worry, and stress.

There are two strongest philosophies: Taoism and Buddhism. I mix the two together to benefit everyone because they have benefited my life.

Zhang Seng Feng’s philosophy is based on Taoism.

Every move is a rotation.

If I stand up, I don’t go straight up; it’s really ugly and stiff, and when I do it naturally, I will do it with a twist. If you don’t use rotation power, you create some tension. If every move has a bit of tension, the result is a whole day’s worth of tension.

Tai Chi is yin and yang. You have to learn to be relaxed and move powerfully without tension. That flow is beautiful. You have to have this beautiful flow on both sides. That’s what the Tai Chi sign is: yin and yang, curved across the centre. Always use rotation power.

To create that power, you first have to create a centre. With a circle, there is always a perfect centre. Tai Chi is about a perfect centre that comes from two different, imperfect centres; that’s the true centre.

These two centres are for your feet and can be swapped. So you must learn to swap beautifully, not stiffly. You have to learn to do this even while standing. Be aware of it when swapping: the swapping power has a curve.

The Chi Gong form helps you learn how precise and flowing your centre is. Then the curve is how your hand moves with no tension through your foot, how to change poses – puma, tiger, and stork – and how your leg moves with no tension. With people who have graduated from Chi Gong, you can see how smooth and elegant they are, and it’s not easy to make it look natural.

The other important thing is to be sensitive: the Waterman technique. You are so sensitive that you find joy in your movements. You don’t even have to laugh when you become sensitive enough to feel another person. You are happier than laughter. To laugh is “Ahahahaha”; it’s more superficial, and it’s low-level happiness. Open, sensitive concentration power is something with deep intention. It is self-assurance; when you live with a sensitive awareness, you simultaneously feel your internal and external life.

The new idea is to keep the joints open after finding the centre, following the curve, and sensitivity.

Many people do Chi Gong very stiffly, so how do you open your joints? Imagine a cushion of air between the joints; then, you start to become free. You have to feel that there is space between every pair of bones. When the space starts to open, you can feel no more tension.

The whole centre has one point, which is the centre of the centre. The vertical centre line rises from this, which connects to a central point: the third chakra. That one controls how you are going to move. It’s connected to the feet and the brain; energy rises from the foot, rotates up into the third chakra, and then guides you in whichever direction you want.

Observe the weight of your body pressing down against the ground, and then push against it. Use gravity to bring your body back to the centre. Let the energy pass through the third chakra and change direction. Without tension, let your body flow in any direction. Then your whole body power is united.

Tuck your chin in slightly so your neck is straight, gently proud without tension. Focus on the seventh chakra gate: imagine a piece of string is pulling it up. Feel all the joints in your spine expand, and then you can do Chi Gong more perfectly.

Imagine filling all the joints, separating, filling with joy. Be sensitive, but don’t use mental power; don’t think, just feel. Feel the body weight pressing into the foot and then rotate back to your third chakra. From there, change your direction to wherever you want.

If you practice this all the time, you can feel whether you are out of balance or have tension. You become your own doctor; before any part of you gets out of balance, you are already aware of it. Your body will tell you, “I don’t want this; fix it.” This way, you can live your whole life without damaging your body.

I found a book that says human beings die not because death comes in 80 years but because we damage ourselves in that time. So, health comes from learning to be sensitive, staying perfect, and not causing damage.