3 True Essence Ability: How to Become Aware of Unlimited Wisdom Dharmas Without Thinking

How to Become Aware of Unlimited Wisdom Dharmas Without Thinking

We cannot use ourselves to be aware of Dharma.

It is challenging to use ‘I’ to learn ‘no I’.


If we can’t even rid ourselves of our ‘I, how can we become aware of the four eternal heart self-being?


For example, fear is a manifestation of the blind ego ‘I’; we still have many fears hiding there.


But once our heart enters Taiji ☯️ a state of moving meditation without ‘I’—we will have no time for any ego ‘I.’


There is no need to destroy the ego ‘I, as that is another form of ego.


By immersing 100% into eternal Taiji dharma, you can become a ‘No I in moving meditation; you are the Dharma.


After that, you’ll have more ability to develop the four eternal hearts without ‘I.’


Three Pure Awareness States to Become the Dharma:

Empty Heart:

Never think you know anything.

If you want to understand some dharma, you must be 100% aware of it and carefully aware of every word.

Aware of the 4 spiritual qualities: aware truth, aware kindness, aware art, and aware freedom.

Because life has every angle in every moment. But my mood is only one of them.

Equal Heart:

Free yourself from comparing. Big ego there judging everything. Water never complains!

In deep meditation, that does not exist. Everything is unique and magical.

Never see Buddha as higher than ourselves; instead, appreciate and think of Buddha as the incredible and astonishing awakening consciousness teacher.

Regard every life as not below us. Every life is blind in its own different way, and consciousness is no different. All have the equal unlimited potential to become Buddha.

That’s why Buddha sees every life as capable of becoming Buddha.

No Beginning, No End Pure Appreciation Heart:

Life is incredible; appreciate the ‘One heart, two gates of all the Dharma.


‘One heart, two gates’—the Blindness gate is also our teacher; see through it, and wisdom will appear.


The Awakening gate demands discipline to develop a kind heart and create convenient wisdom to help others live.


Life is a gift, 🎁 appearing only as the changing present, with no beginning or end. That’s why the word ‘present also means ‘gift.’


These three awarenesses are our true natural spiritual seeds.


The other ego views of life are our blind habits and the dust that covers them.😊☸️🙏💚☯️🕉️


The fish live in the ocean and don’t know what water is.

We live in unlimited Dharma but are not aware of any eternal truth.

Awakening is to see through what blindness is and go back to spiritual self-being.


Let’s learn from Amithaba Buddha’s Dharma to be aware of our 4 Eternal Heart’s essence.