From Pure Name Buddha Vimalakirti: No 2

From Pure Name Buddha Vimalakirti: No 2


“Every drop of rain is different, but once it drops into the ocean, it becomes all the same.

Final essence consciousness: we are the same.

Our hearts, all life forms, and Buddha are all the same.

The difference is that Buddha is aware of all life forms and the kinds of blindness they create.

Buddha is also aware of their true essence and awakens all the blindness.”


About the Source: Pure Name Buddha Vimalakirti

This profound insight is derived from the teachings of Buddha Vimalakirti, a unique figure also known as the Pure Name Buddha, who chose to manifest as a businessman to impart his wisdom to non-monastic students.

He is a well-known character in Mahayana Buddhism, mainly through the “Vimalakirti Sutra.”

Vimalakirti is famous for his profound wisdom and ability to explain life.


His teachings often focus on the idea that reality is unified, where the usual differences we see don’t really exist.