8 True Dao

8 True Dao


1. **True Dharma:** Our thoughts influence our actions. Only by understanding the eternal truth of life can our spiritual karma appear.


2. **True Observation:** We can only become aware of the true Dharma through pure logic observing ability.


3. **True Speaking:** Speaking precisely with eternal wisdom can constantly awaken our hearts.


4. **True Action:** Discipline to guide our actions to match Dharma is the way to create true spiritual karma.


5. **Right Way of Living:** Spiritual karma only emerges when we guide our lifestyle towards eternal wisdom.


6. **Wise Way of Concentrating** To reach unlimited awakening ability, one needs levels that never drop and enjoys being sensitive to concentration to be aware of Dharma.


7. **Pure Wise Intention:** Dharma is pure; we embody pure, wise intention by being aware of it.


8. **Awaken Meditation:** Living in the no beginning, no end present, with pure, wise intention, we will one day become awakened heart meditation observing self-being Bodhisattva.



Explaining the 8 True Dao


This post outlines the “8 True Dao,” a series of steps or principles for achieving a deeper spiritual understanding and living a life aligned with Dharma, the cosmic law underlying right behaviour and social order in Buddhist philosophy.

1. True Dharma – highlights the connection between thoughts and actions, suggesting that spiritual karma (the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences) is influenced by an understanding of life’s eternal truths.

2. True Observation – asserts that understanding Dharma requires clear, logical observation free from biases and distortions.

3. True Speaking – emphasizes the importance of speaking truthfully and wisely, which can lead to continual spiritual awakening and clarity.

4. True Action – involves living with discipline that aligns with Dharma, thus fostering genuine spiritual karma.

5. Right Way of Living – proposes that living according to eternal wisdom guides one’s lifestyle towards generating positive spiritual karma.

6. Wise Way of Concentrating – stresses the necessity of maintaining a consistent focus and sensitivity to Dharma to develop a boundless capacity for spiritual awakening.

7. Pure Wise Intention – revolves around the purity of Dharma and how engaging with it leads to pure intentions, reflecting a clear and virtuous mindset.

8. Awakened Meditation -suggests a state of continuous presence, with no attachment to the past or future, where one meditates with pure intention, observing the self as a Bodhisattva, a being on the path to enlightenment dedicated to helping others achieve the same.


Each of these principles serves as a guide to cultivating a life that not only seeks personal enlightenment but also contributes positively to the world, embodying the virtues of a Bodhisattva.