Bodhisattva Observing

Bodhisattva Observing 1. Always check if have I returned to a previous blindness I thought I had freed myself from. 2. What I’ve developed have I maintained what I’ve developed and have I also observed to go higher level. Wisdom ability no one can give to you, you have to value it, be aware of

Relax Meditation – Awakening Meditation

鬆為,中正舒適、身體放鬆。 空是,常樂我淨、心思放空。 通則,靈覺現前、無師自通。 Relax meditation. Train our body Tension-Free, and develop the art of moving meditation. Empty meditation. Free our mind and back to the essence of eternal joy and pure heart. Awakening meditation. Open heart observing the eternal truth of life, Wise Self-being.

Two Eternal Blind Forces

Two eternal blind forces. Two forces keep every blind life stuck in reincarnation forever. 1. Not value true self – looking for happiness and contentment from external, possessive and value towards external materials more than your self being. 2. Never enough – the grass is always greener, the trick of greed 😊🙏

Free self being – No two

Free self-being No two = No I, No human, No life forms, No lifetime. Because No greed No worries No stress No fear Heart is pure and free to create unlimited dharma joy 😄💚🍀☸️☯️

Learning Amitabha Buddha Pure Land Wills from the beginning, again

Learning Amitabha Buddha’s Pure Land Wills from the beginning, again. First, we watched the Amitabha Buddha 48 Wills Video – Link Sifu talked about the purpose of this new set of classes is to learn to develop the skill of meditation. Where in regular life we can connect to our pure heart essence, and connect