Bodhisattva Observing

Bodhisattva Observing

1. Always check if have I returned to a previous blindness I thought I had freed myself from.

2. What I’ve developed have I maintained what I’ve developed and have I also observed to go higher level.

Wisdom ability no one can give to you, you have to value it, be aware of it and disciplined to understand it and develop the ability. Can’t get it. No wisdom to get.

The body comes from our subconsciousness.

If we don’t train our body to awaken our subconscious, then we will never awaken.

If you want to go to pure land you have to train, learn and develop this lifetime. Otherwise, why would you go there if you don’t truly care to learn and develop?

Amitabha Buddha pure land you right away receive Bodhisattva ability.

So you have to be ready for it. If you haven’t trained it would be too much of a jump for your consciousness.

Like going from animal Karma straight to human, too much of a sudden ability jump.

This is also why Amitabha Buddha created the temple, to help consciousness transition to pure land.

The thinking runs too slow, only intuition power in the pure land, Awaken 7 chakra energy all open.

100% concentration with joy ability. You have to work on this ability before going to pure land.

It’s a journey of development from now.