Life is illusion as one heart two gates

Friday class summary Life is illusion as one heart 2 gets We can only exit in Blind suffering ReincarnationOrAwaken unlimited joy pure-land See through blindness illusion Connect to eternal wisdom Back to essenceFree from ego DevelopingKind , Care , Joy, and Free Creating true Will One heart one intention into Amithaba pureland 😊🙏☸️🕉☯️💚🐉


9TH LEVEL OF MEDITATION – TECHNIQUE Poem: 觀自在 不生不滅 無上法 Observing Self being No birth No death No above wisdom 觀世間法,非如來法 還一切因緣,解脫輪迴。 Observing the world No true essence Return all causation Free from reincarnation 觀幻身法,非四大法 離生老病死,法身常淨。 Observing , illusion body Not the 4 elements Away from birth, ageing illness and death Dharma body always pure

Poem Heart Chakra

Seeing the rock being steady Look at the river flowThey exist in a different way But both the same Has no I – Wu Wei Our causation I Is like a river flow Come and Go Our Essence i is like water. H20 Create the river roll and roll By itself has no appearance No

Awaken from 1 Heart 2 Gate. Both sides.

Awaken from 1 Heart 2 Gate. Both sides. What is Blind Heart ? What is Spiritual Heart ? Blind Heart is the seed of acting with our ego feeling. Seeing life in a negative view through the ego key hole. With worry and fear and create greedy anger thought. And fall into a complaining habit.

The Meditation Manual: Introduction to the Dan Tian

In the first part of this short manual we combine several subjects into a foundation to help you develop and train meditation. The subjects are: The Shurangama Sutra – from Buddhist philosophy The 3 Tians – from Daoist Philosophy The 7 Chakras – from the Hindu texts called the Vedas The Heart Sutra from Buddhist