The dream creators

The dream creators: the mysterious force of life.

You are eternal

What is eternal?
No beginning, no end.

What is no beginning, no end?
Your original essence.

So What is your original essence?

No time – no space
No space – no searching
No searching – no greed
No greed – no ego

Back to your pure heart, is back to your essence. Shining bright wisdom and sharing kindness to the World.

We can learn the wisdom to do this.

The dream creator create the dream but is not inside the dream.

The dream have a beginning and end, but the dream creator does not have beginning or end.

If dream exist then creator exist.

But the dreams we create are not perfect yet.

But they can be.

If we learn to observe eternal wisdom.

If we learn from those dream creators already reached eternally kind, caring, joyful and free.

And there are uncountable of those consciousness, the amazing Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas, eternally compassionate and wise to support us to create and share our Unlimited bright dreams with the world.