Observing Self Being Poetry

Daofit teamIf you don’t understandNo worry 觀自在 不生不滅 無上法 Observing Self beingNo birth No deathNo above wisdom 觀世間法,非如來法還一切因緣,解脫輪迴。 Observing the wouldNo true essenceReturn all causationFree from reincarnation 觀幻身法,非四大法離生老病死,法身常淨。 Observing , illusion bodyNot the 4 elementsAway from birth ages illness and deathDharma body always pure 觀所知法,非自心法離所知障執,妙觀智明。 Observing the thinkingNot from our true heartAway from knowing egoDevelop

The true purpose of life is no purpose

The true purpose of life is no purpose..Purpose is different than to have a meaning. Purpose means you are trying to reach somewhere, to reach some goal.But if you are aware of the meaning, then you live in the present. Because we are searching to have a purpose, a lot of the time our ego

Hold Nothing Poem

Hold nothing 😊🕉 Blind illusion heart disappeared 😎 Back to essence ☯ Awaken observing heart naturally appear 💚🙏 See through life is illusion 🐉 Greedy heart disappeared Kindness heart appears 😄 Hateful heart disappeared True Care heart appears 😊 Searching heart disappeared Pure observing heart appear💚 Possessive heart disappeared Free heart appear🙏♨ All blindness disappeared

Eternal Dharma Joy Observer

Follow Amitabha Buddha Pure Land, give you a chance to be – Eternal Dharma Joy Observer And free from trapped in blind-directors and suffering-actors illusion 😄🙏💚🐉

Listening Meditation – More details

1. Observe without Intention, Curious 2. Whole body breathing, feel space between every nerve in your entire body. Your whole body will expand as you breathe in, feel the air travel to every part of your body and make it expand to feel lighter. 3. Buddha smile, back to innocence 4. No good, no bad,