Qualities of Illusion I vs qualities of Spiritual I

Qualities of Illusion I

Temporary 無常
Suffering 苦
No true self 無我
Blind -Empty 空

Qualities of Spiritual I

Eternal 常
Joy 樂
True I 我

We goto Amitabha Buddha Pure Land also to try to reverse the Illusion-! four into the Spiritual I four.

And the philosophy “One Heart, Two Gates” talk about these two.

If we are not awakened we will look at everything in the short-term, no eternity there. Then we will take this suffering, think that it is even you, and our 4 element body is not even you, it’s empty, but we will take it as ourselves, no true self and take that as ourselves, of course suffering will haunt us for a long time. And our ego will even support it further! Blindness multiplied by blindness.

Take the four illusion qualities, suffering, empty 4 elements, temporary quality as you and create an illusion I. Then we will concentrate our heart there.

We are learning to be free from that.

But that is the dream we are learning to be free from, to awaken from. A nightmare, suffering, reincarnation forever.

So Amitabha Buddha system help you to reverse all of that, purify all of this blindness into the true spiritual quality which is Dharma Joy.

Dharma Joy only come from connect to True eternal wisdom – so when heart become that power then you become that Dharma joy. That power of course is eternal wisdom, so it surely exist. Since it exists in an eternal way it will remain perfect. That is why Pure Land is eternal. You will never lose all the wisdom you learn. So for that when you become Buddha , living in no beginning no end, in an unlimited way Dharma Joy, not game over, game success.

Game Over unlimitedly in reincarnation. Out of reincarnation, into Pure Land one day become Buddha, game success.

Pure Land is the best way to play this game. Change blind I consciousness into true I awakened spiritual heart.

And in that process we have to awaken everything.

So dont be lazy to take care of your subconsciousness: Acupuncture, yoga, stretching, tai chi, meditation.

You want to enjoy the wisdom, not like ‘I have to do it.’ You never do well like this.

If I am aware of the philosophy and enjoy to do it then I enjoy.

You have to go back and ask why are you lazy, why you don’t care? You have wrong psychology.

Because it is a perfect philosophy with joy, with harmony, with beautiful centre,  beautiful flow, timeless feeling and help you become healthy and strong and elegant. So it should be very joyful.

And that philosophy is not as difficult as four eternal hearts.