Zen Meditation

Zen Meditation – first draft

First one is called Speaking Zen. This one you don’t want to be involved in. Run away from this one.

There is a story about two monks. Whilst they were listening to philosophy, one says, “Hey look, watch the flag is moving.”

Then the other one says “Yes the wind is moving the flag.”

The other one says “No, no, the flag is moving, not the wind.”

The other monk replies “Yeah but no wind, how can the flag move. So the wind you can’t see it.”

“Yeah but I see the flag is moving and so I say that.”

So they argue.

Then they say “Well, you’re not aware of what I see, so how do you know what I say. It’s the flag, I can see it.”

“Yeah but your eyes are not my eyes but we can see the same thing and understand the same meaning. We know there must be wind to move the flag.”

And so they continued to argue and be smart, neither wanting to give up.

Then the Master finally came to say “It’s not the flag moving, it’s not the wind moving, it’s your ego blindness that is moving.”

Kong. Argument finished, all quiet 🙂

So the monks just tried to talk smart to prove I’m better than you, so that kind of Zen is the opposite of Zen. You’re not actually trying to purify your heart, you’re actually making more pollution by trying to talk wise and smart.

In that direction, it’s all called Speaking Zen.

A lot of Chinese people are very good at this. They know it’s wrong but they still love to do it.

Speaking Zen usually you don’t have true ability. What’s the true ability is what I will teach now.

It’s called One Heart Ability.

One Heart Ability is first Zen ability.

Lets’s look at Matt Horse. Looking at his face, guess how many directions his heart is in every second? Is there any second where his heart is only in one direction?

Horse: “What do you mean by direction?”

Sifu: “Your heart is totally united in one quality… Don’t worry, if you’re thinking, then that means no, heart is not united.”

Whenever you think, whenever you have personal character, any ego I, then there’s no chance. This quality never appears.

Your heart is not your True Heart. It’s called Causation Heart. It’s actually a feeling you have and you take it as your heart.

And that feeling is a combination of many many things. There are many causes, and many directions, many guidings, ambitious, desire, nonsense, unsure, doubt, exciting.. They all come to see which causation (connect to outside or inside) is stronger.

At that stage, there is no Zen. It means your heart is not One Heart.

The moment you reach One Heart, content appears. That’s the moment your heart really sees, that’s truly truly what I want.

Your heart can be aware of that. So when your heart reaches to that point, totally really content, then that’s called First Zen.

If you use thinking and searching heart, you will never find that. Your searching heart and thinking creates more blindness. It’s the opposite united makes it impure.

It’s only when you make it pure, empty, then it’s one. Like empty space is one, you can’t search for it. So when your heart is really No I, in a pure stage, then you experience One Heart.

In fact, when your Illusion Heart is totally Empty Heart, you don’t use thinking, and your pure heart, essence is pure.

So the First Zen is not like you create First Zen. It’s actually just back to where has always been the Original Zen. So it’s also called the roots of all the Zen. In Chinese, it’s called “Chán”.

It’s your natural pure stage. It appears when you are smiling, no thinking, pure stage.

*Sifu demonstrates a seated Tai Chi flow, so light, so delicate with fine detail, that helps him reach this First Zen.

In this moment, thinking stops. There’s a new sensation of energy harmony flow that creates a natural content. That is using movement energy, moving meditation to create this One Heart Zen.

Muscle style, some people train hard, and to a certain point they actually experience that.. They become One Heart, no more thinking. They just feel Ah Ok, I exist! I really want this! To a point they actually create joy to themselves and they’re addicted to that.

Same as people that run a lot. They want to experience the endorphins hormones and joy and One Heart feeling. But mostly they will not find it again. They normally one time try to past their limit and then they experience Wahh this is great, I’m free! I’m really doing what my heart wants. I passed through my limit and all the BS!

Many sports, when they are into high concentration, they will all experience that. It doesn’t have to be through Tai Chi.

But Tai Chi is a healthy way and easy way.

Sifu demonstrates: So curve, then into that curve, unite the whole body. Feel the centre. You have learnt the first system, very easy can reach First Zen. One, pure, joyful, content heart.

Flow and then feel the harmony, then your mind becomes not thinking.

Feel your heart is content, no searching.

Happy New Year, that is your original Zen. Your heart is always happy and joy and pureness and harmony. When you take out all the blind habits, it’s always there. It’s always innocent and pure, curious, with a good intention and joyful heart towards life.

But because we have a lot of blind habits, we make our heart cannot shine.

Slowly open your eyes. Did you enjoy your First Level Zen Meditation? Did you feel your heart is back to pure and joy?

For me, if i check I can do the light energy flow (Seated Tai Chi flow) then I find I can into it, if not I know that my heart is just teared by many things.

When your heart is teared by many things, none of them are reality. They are all illusion. They are all basically blindness greed and influenced by everything around, by your own heart.

But in every present, out of all that illusion, life is perfect. It’s always pure. It’s always possible to have curiosity with pure intention.

Now, are you ready to understand the Second Zen?

Second Zen, when your heart is already pure, curious, content, not in a stage of searching, but in a stage of wonder, amazing, observing Zen.

What does that mean?

Normally your observing is not pure. You haven’t reached the first stage. So whatever you observe from already your heart which has been tearing apart, so you are observing all that.. We call that “Wild Horse Heart” running everywhere.

When you actually have this pure First meditation, you’re observing is no more for that Wild Horse, only limited, go nowhere.

Your observing is called Pure Observation and then amazing feeling will appear, because life is amazing. If you’re purely to observing it, you will realise everything is amazing.

The reason you don’t see life is amazing is because we only see our own greed and ego and our moody, our limited feelings.

But, if we actually take out the I and start observing life, and aware that everything is created by causation, and see how everything becomes a cause to each other, in an incredible unlimited way effect to each other, and you start observing life not for yourself, you just observing life just how life is, you start observing causation.

Second Zen is called Wisdom Amazing Observing Causation Without I. Then the wisdom joyful heart will start to appear.

As Buddha says, from there, you are one step closer to the first Enlightenment.

There are four kinds of Enlightenment. The First Enlightenment is actually observing causation without personal.

“Er Chan”, Second Zen Meditation. Observing causation of life in the present, now, without any I. Every sound, every exist, every trick, every layer, observing all causation. How in the present, perfect united together. Whatever we call the moment, life truly is magical illusion.

When consciousness deep observing causation without personal, wisdom grows. The feeling towards life changes. It becomes truly amazing and wonder of force of life.

How incredible, every second you are perfect through causation system that never makes any mistake. Any materials, energy in all the appearing forms. Different times, different space, in every situation, in every language, in every different species, causation runs now 100% perfect in a very complete and complicated but simple way.

Causation cause connects to your own Main Cause the strongest. Everything else slowly influenced from long time ago. The future possibility is called Indirect Causation.

Everything has to happen with timing. Consciousness amazing, all this incredible complicated causation but remain clear in this perfect system. And the Wisdom Heart start to appear, start able to concentrate. Not just personal blind action and experience. For that, blind consciousness has a chance to become awakened.

Because of awaken possibility, observation becomes even more amazing. Realise now through this observation, I can truly awaken and I have the ability too. So the freedom heart start to appear.

Slowly open your eyes.

So what does Second Zen mean? Second Zen is harder to reach.

It means you already understand what the philosophy says. You are observing causation and aware the Four Causes. Realise the Four Causes control everything.

Then you realise you have the power now to aware these Four Causes. If you control them, you actually control life. Not blindly let all kinds of causation control you.

But in reality, out of these Four, to be aware first of Main Cause. You start to realise I haven’t even actually worked hard on my Main Cause. Then you start to bring the wisdom into your own life, work on your Main Cause for a long long period of time.

Then second Zen will start to appear itself. You will suddenly feel your heart is free, not all these blind so many meaningless things from this world, and all these habits from my own blind feelings in this lifetime and past lifetimes. They can’t affect me.

Able to remain Main Cause in a wise choice, through understanding Eternal Truth. Through Pure Land system, connect to Amitabha Buddha. My heart remains sharp and pure and clear as a Main Cause. Not the world controls me.

Then this power becomes reality. You suddenly feel a big freedom appears.

First time you are ever aware birth death, all the pollution, all the suffering cannot control you, you are totally going to create a Pure Land. Your entire spiritual causation because the ability of create your Main Cause is built and the roots already strong. You already in regular life are disciplined, always observing it, allows not follow blindness, and then it becomes Natural Being.

So the Second Meditation probably can take your time to experience it. If you truly want to reach it, you will have to in regular life clean out blind habits, blind action, then make sure your Main Cause always remains as First Meditation, pure observing heart. Make sure it always observes Eternal Wisdom and connects to a Spiritual Will and connects to a spiritual intention in a wise way.

Then the power will run and run and run, you will reach new unlimited joy because your heart can control life. Life cannot control you. Your heart is the joy, eternal power itself because you have already seen through the blindness and don’t want to let blindness be the cause. You already can create unlimited joy even for a second just be.

But even that is not even Boddhisattva yet. And that is the first Nirvana.

The first Nirvana is out of Causation. Observing causation and out of causation. Because causation is all kinds of causes creates results, results become causes. It’s like a soup, like a big fried rice mix.

Through observing your heart becomes pure with wisdom supporting it. That ability is the true Zen ability. It’s not Speaking Zen, and that shows in your character. That’s why all boddhisattva’s say to become a boddhisattva, you have to develop 6 Boddhisattva Characters.

So, I’ve introduced two Zen Meditations.


Do you enjoy the definition of Zen Meditation?

So let’s continue practice Level 1. Joyful energy, No I meditation. Moving meditation in fact is in the First Zen and actually we are not even graduate in the first one.

So let’s start with the foundation… 🙂