Amazing Resting Heart

Amazing Resting Heart

True heart aware of we are trapped in the power of constantly changing, and constantly try to hold those changing.

Like a donkey with a carrot dangling in front of it, try to run forward to bite the carrot, eventually donkey finally realize it can never get carrot and lie down to have a rest from chasing .

Then the stick falls and the carrot appears to be eaten.

Wisdom is not try to get, but it’s resting our heart to observe without greed, then truth appears.

Heart can only be free by out of greed, out of want to get. Then freedom appears, becoming pure; observation, creation, sharing, generosity heart, eventually graduates as 4-eternal heart.

This wisdom will not work if you are only aware once. Bodhisattva true heart remain in this awaken zone, no beginning no end.
