Qualities of Illusion I vs qualities of Spiritual I

Qualities of Illusion I Temporary 無常 Suffering 苦 No true self 無我 Blind -Empty 空 Qualities of Spiritual I Eternal 常 Joy 樂 True I 我 Pure We goto Amitabha Buddha Pure Land also to try to reverse the Illusion-! four into the Spiritual I four. And the philosophy “One Heart, Two Gates” talk about

Zen Meditation

Zen Meditation – first draft First one is called Speaking Zen. This one you don’t want to be involved in. Run away from this one. There is a story about two monks. Whilst they were listening to philosophy, one says, “Hey look, watch the flag is moving.” Then the other one says “Yes the wind

No wisdom no life

Life is about learning life. If you don’t understand life then you are only living, as a living ghost. Buddhism call that blind act. No wisdom no life.

Appreciation Heart – Don’t be a donkey

From Tim Here’s my summary from last nights class 🙂 No complaining, 🙄😩😒 Enjoy appreciation heart☺👏🤙💚 Complaining you become the donkey🐴 trapped walking in circles forever 😳 Appreciation heart ✨ become the unlimited bright sun ☀ to warm everyone 🌺 All the Buddha’s say Amitabha Buddha Pure Land Karma is the most amazing and lucky

Moving Meditation Course – Part 1

Moving Meditation Course 1 We exist like one drop of rain drop in the sky. And the birth is from the clouds, falling to the earth become part of the waterfall and exciting rush into the river and then flow to the unknown ocean. This drop seems individual but also connected to every other drop