8 stage meditation – free from awareness boundary

8 stage meditation – free from awareness boundary 1. Internal – illusion is constantly changing, comes from others, no true self but still appears as illusion, nothing to hold 2. External – awareness is not what it’s aware of, free from I 3. First two combined – free from illusion and free from I

2 ways that can help us develop Internal Pure Land.

I enjoyed these notes from Pure Lotus Temple. 2 ways that can help us develop Internal Pure Land. —————- Observing Self Being Boddhisattva is almost equal to Namo Amitabha Buddha (Same principle) All want to help you back to pureness, back to Essence, pure no beginning no end eternal heart. Both help you into internal

What does Namo/Namu mean?

Namu can also mean observing. Amituo for – is our true self. So namu amitua for is like observing self being. Namu aware observing is our essence.

Diamond Heart Sutra

Diamond Heart Sutra 1. Aware we are observing for blind self being 2. Observing wisdom 3. Wisdom choice – follow the wisdom 4. Become the wisdom 5. Help others develop internal pure land 6. Develop external pure land help million universe develop external pure land – become 1st level Bodhisattva – unlimited dharma joy.

The philosophy is the map

The philosophy is the map The feeling every present is the goal 🙂