Diamond heart sutra

Diamond Heart Sutra 1. Aware we are observing for blind self being 2. Observing wisdom 3. Wisdom choice – follow the wisdom 4. Become the wisdom 5. Help others develop internal pure land 6. Develop external pure land help million universe develop external pure land – become 1st level Bodhisattva – unlimited dharma joy. I

Purify chakras

* Desire – graduate to not lost by illusion * Passion – graduate to harmony * Physical – graduate to no tension * Emotion – graduate to compassion, * Thinking – graduate to understand the Eternal Truth of Life, * Intuition – Non stop observe, develop ability to make strengths become sharp so you directly

20100211 – brain knowledge and heart awareness

20102011 – Fri class – brain knowledge and heart awareness When you think you know from brain you don’t because you are not aware. When your heart is aware you wish to do it perfectly from heart intuition. Heart means aware in 3 layers. You do the best form when you don’t think – why?


TAO The secret Inner Force to open the mysterious paradise in every life.   In every life we have a deep unbreakable command, it is heading the direction of avoiding pain and suffering, as well as the direction to find pleasure joy and contentment. To live life is to find the path to help us

Notes from Pure Lotus Temple

Speaking a lot of nonsense reduces your wisdom. When your heart feels insecure, stressed, upset. If you follow it. It is no good. If you separate yourself from it and observe it. You can learn a lot of wisdom from it. Any karma is no form. It is created by consciousness, which has no form.