Diamond Sutra – Chapter 12

The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra 12. Venerating the true teachings “Moreover, Subhuti, you should know that all the gods, men, and asuras of the world should make offerings to any place at which even so few as four lines of verse from this sutra are spoken and so forth, just as they would to a

Diamond Sutra – Chapter 10

The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra 10. The adornment of pure lands The Buddha said to Subhuti, “What do you think? Was there any dharma which the Tathagata obtained while with Burning Lamp Buddha?” “No, World Honored One, there was actually no dharma which the Tathagata obtained while with Burning Lamp Buddha.” “Subhuti, what do you

Diamond Sutra- Chapter 9

The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra 9. The appearance without appearance “Subhuti, what do you think, can a Srotaapanna have the thought, ‘I have obtained the fruit of Srotaapanna.’?” Subhuti said, “No, World Honored One. And why? A Srotaapanna means One Who Has Entered the Flow, and yet he has not entered anything. He has not

Diamond Sutra – Chapter 8

The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra 8. Emerging from the Dharma “Subhuti, what do you think, if someone filled three thousand great thousand world systems with the seven precious gems and gave them as a gift, would he obtain many blessings and virtue?” Subhuti said, “Very many, World Honored One. And why? Such blessings and virtue

Diamond Sutra – Chapter Five

Diamond Sutra. Chapter 5. Use complete logic to aware the complete truth … Basically until number 5, you start to develop wisdom all the illusion you see, your heart not trapped into it. Our heart is not free because our heart is trapped to all the appearance, from past life, this life, and continually dream