Awakening steps of a Spiritual Consciousness

Awakening steps of a Spiritual Consciousness 1st Level: Desire/ Curiosity to question and understand all aspects of life. 2nd Level: Passion to continue to question and understand life. Passion power tells you to not give up on your quest for wisdom and understanding, and to keep asking questions until you understand the answer. 3rd Level:

Intention Thinking and Speaking

Intention Thinking and Speaking When I was young I learned the idea – at the time, mentally I couldn’t grasp it, but sub-consciously I could understand it. To be aware of another person you have to be aware of their character, ability and their behavior with their speaking and intention. In that idea – these

6 different causes for experiencing and developing a magical force

6 different causes for experiencing and developing a magical force Through developing and training concentration Through being born with the consciousness ability Through listening to and singing a mantra with sincere heart Through using herbs or medicines to make the energy run stronger Through having the correct karma, being ready to learn and meeting someone

Tao and Intention

Tao and Intention   A simple way to describe Tao is Head Leader.  Whether you are aware of it or not, there is a power leading life. It mysteriously leads every life. If you are not aware, you are lost—you will be like the weak animal in the pack that the predator will eat for

Law of Consciousness

Law of Consciousness One day one very high level Bodhisattva came to ask Buddha, ‘How does a consciousness become a Buddha?’ Then Siddhartha Buddha taught The Law of Consciousness. Life is like these two systems, Mirror System, and Steady Centre Station system. Mirror System: It’s called Reflection. You, as a consciousness, are not able to