Moving Meditation Intention Control

Moving Meditation Intention Control  Wind blows , Grass moves. Needs no I. Water flows, cloud motion. Needs no thought . No I, no thought – Empty aware of gravity Power from foot Every flow as the rain drop fall into waterfall Roll and Roll through the river, free into the ocean world, join the wave

Order of Meditation Techniques:

Order of Meditation Techniques: Training Why is training the first one? Because any power in life comes from training. In life we can reach anything through training – some things need one lifetime, others need a million lifetimes to reach. It depends on how deep the power is. It is possible to train towards becoming

Types of Karma

Types of Karma The three types of karma can interact but they are not connected to each other. United Karma Is the Karma generated by a group of similar level. For example our group classes work to create a karma as we are all at the same level. Personal Karma Stems from an individuals intention,

Everyday is a good day

If you make wise choices, everyday is a good day. Being born into a human body means this lifetime you have the chance to use your thinking power and intelligence to analyse life again, and rise your spirits. Everyday is that chance. If you’re born as an animal you don’t have this chance, if you’re


Karma is strongest causes and effect from all lifetimes So to be in my position karma is already so lucky and great and spiritual relative Intention  – 84 000 a second tidal wave!! Aaaarg 🙂  – from desire from ego from blindness from not understand life fully yet – is just a seed, always there