Tai Chi and Amitabha Buddha System

Tai Chi and Amitabha Buddha System Recording of class here: https://soundcloud.com/daofit/tai-chi-and-Amitabha-buddha-system Class 27/12/2019

If you truly understand hold nothing

I think I said, “if you truly understand hold nothing, you will appreciate every opportunity to be generous and share that wisdom 🙏🏼😌

How to be free from worry videos

How to be free from worry Videos      

What is Dao?

What is Dao? Video below: https://youtu.be/gPL_tzSEIv8

Foundation of Heart Sutra, foundation of Observing, Harmony

What is the foundation of the Heart Sutra? Observing Self-Being. Foundation of Observing? Harmony. Life is never about I and mine, you never own anything in the Earth, it keeps changing, stays empty and illusion like a dream. Even your body you cannot hold. To be awakened, is not about to reach somewhere, it is