Sifu asks what is the moment when I feel the luckiest?

Child heart is joyful, pure and innocent, no blind intention, child heart we should keep.That is the root to grow all the kindness and wisdom. That happy joyful, playful, sharing child heart. One heart two gates one seed come from that.It does not matter how wise or mature you are you are.

You really have to be lucky to stay open and live and be kind and generous and good intention and share joy with each other.
Sifu asks himself “What is the moment when I feel the luckiest?”

When I’m in pure observation that’s when I feel the luckiest.

I feel life again is always perfect.
I realize we create ego and we create someone to learn spirits, but doesn’t matter either one, the original essence is not either one. And through deep observing realize that deep observing is me. It’s free from either one.
And when you have that and you want to learn spirits then you have searching heart, and then you have stress but when I’m in deep observation both disappear, then equal heart appear, because my essence is the same as everyone. 
When either ego appear or clean out ego appearspureness is still there, never change, if one create the other, A is never B.
That’s why they teach in Heart Sutra there is no wisdom to get , there is no birth or death. Because true essence is not either of those hearts.
And that is what the Heart Sutra teaches.
Teaches us to be aware of your heart and how it creates all that, and your heart can blindly create and try to learn to awaken – either.
But final awakening realize you are not either one, finally aware all life is equal, and all life are pure, realize life is always perfect.
In deep observation I can see through all of that, see through all those egos back to the essence is pure, so my heart is open, love every life by nature, because our essence is always pure, like mine, so I love them like me. 
Because the essence is no good no bad, no comparing appears, when no comparing appears, eternity appears.
It’s only something compare, change appears and eternity disappears.
When you’re pure you don’t feel time, Open heart, playful, every second is not time it is your open heart.
Deep observation ability help me to aware life is eternal perfect
Essence always equal, always pure and always remain pure and essence, that pureness can create blindness and then through that can create another ego want to clean out all the blindness, and then finally through learning all the egos from every angle awaken and realize they are all illusion again are pure
Potential is equal in every life.
And through deep observation of Buddha’s teaching of eternal wisdom I’m aware of all that.
And in that deep observation I’m aware no thinking no speaking, there is no-I to compare or judge there is instead incredible joy.
Open heart live in present and aware of every life.
Accepting heart helps see all life in a different way – say ah that’s the way life is.