Dharma Observer Philosophy

Sound you hear sound. No sound you hear silence. Ability to be aware is always there, eternal, never changes. Observing self being bodhisattva aware the highest, observe the sound. Observe Buddhahood is not the sound, not the silence, not good not bad, not brightness or darkens, but the ability to be aware of all that’s

The 2 basic forces of life

The 2 basic forces of life The two basic forces of life which control all life’s activity on Earth. Searching for security – which is the desire to exist and the desire to continue existing – both is the power of survival. The desire to escape suffering and desire to experience pleasure and happiness These

Chigong Master Grading details from Sifu

Chigong Master Grading details from Sifu Simon: White Dragon Precise, detail and delicate. 100% follow the disciplines. Has timeless elegant effect, amazing to watch every second. Sean Pig: Sunset (Pink) Dragon Smooth, harmony, fine, no effort, easy and joyful. Natural showman master ability. Strong appearance, great shape. Sean Sean: Sky Blue Dragon Sharp, fully charged,

Weapon and Non-Weapon grading details from Sifu

Weapon and Non-Weapon grading details from Sifu Redbull: Sky Cloud Dragon Sword Form Powerful from beginning to end, as well as delicate and smooth in every moment. Astonish and powerful in all different motion without effort. The sound from weapon’s action is crazy: smooth , sharp, powerful non-stop Perfect natural being.,amazing body language, super agile

Wisdom has two types.

Wisdom has two types: Curing the problem of the life form – temporary as the power that creates the suffering will continue to create. Stopping the power which creates suffering – forever released, this is Por Ler.