Uncovering the Tai Chi Master’s secret: Moving Meditation out of body

How to get higher level   Like a circle, perfect is in every present A Circle needs a perfect angle to come around and back to join, if any angle a little bit wrong and not smooth, it will not come back and connect. To make a perfect circle need every present precise in every

Qian Kun 8 Sun Awakening – Part 3 – You are not your experience

Qian Kun 8 Sun Awakening Part 3: You are not your experience. Hear full recording here: You are not your experience. Last part of the philosophy was teaching us that our self is not whatever the experience we have. And we take the experience we have and the one aware of the experience is called

Meditation Collection from Sean Sean

Found these awesome meditation philosophies and united them into one file. Thought it would be nice to help some of the newer generations connect to dharma joy through regular meditation practice 🙏🏼😊 The first list are different meditation techniques that build and can be united together. The second part explains different levels of meditation…. there

Dharma Observer Philosophy

Sound you hear sound. No sound you hear silence. Ability to be aware is always there, eternal, never changes. Observing self being bodhisattva aware the highest, observe the sound. Observe Buddhahood is not the sound, not the silence, not good not bad, not brightness or darkens, but the ability to be aware of all that’s

The 2 basic forces of life

The 2 basic forces of life The two basic forces of life which control all life’s activity on Earth. Searching for security – which is the desire to exist and the desire to continue existing – both is the power of survival. The desire to escape suffering and desire to experience pleasure and happiness These