1. Sky Dragon will Protect you.
2. Kindness and Good karma will develop more.
3. All the causation will develop into a spiritual direction.
4. All the Awaken will never go down.
5. Will never have to worry about material.
6. Will never have a bad illness or sickness.
7. The disaster from water and fire will not appear.
8. No criminal will bother you.
9. People will respect you.
10. Energy God and Ghosts will support you.
11. Female next lifetime can become Male.
12. If you want to be born to be female next lifetime it will be into a very high position.
13. You will appear with very good appearance in a spiritual direction.
14. Many lifetimes can be born into Good Karma Energy God Land where you can learn Buddhism.
15. You will become a King or Emperor or Jade Emperor to continue to learn Buddhism.
16. You will be able to read karma.
17. Whatever you are looking for in a spiritual direction will appear.
18. Everyone that has relationship with you will result in joy.
19. All the bad karma in the past will be relieved.
20. All the not possible or difficult to release karma will eternally release.
21. Where you want to go you will be free to be.
22. When you sleep it will be relaxed and joyful.
23. Your Ancestors through their connection to you will also have their bad karma relieved and out of suffering.
24. Your future karma will have a lot of lucky karma appear, born into.
25. All the spiritual consciousness will all say amazement by your connection to Hell Bodhisattva.
26. You will be a smart, intelligent and sharp awareness.
27. You will develop kindness and compassion heart towards other life.
28. You will through his guiding eventually, surely become Buddha.
九者、人見欽敬,十者、神鬼助持,十一者、女轉男身, 十二者、為王臣女,
十三者、端正相好,十四者、多生天上, 十五者、或為帝王,
十六者、宿智命通, 十七者、有求皆從,十八者、眷屬歡樂,
十九者、諸橫消滅, 二十者、業道永除, 二十一者、去處盡通,
二十二者、夜夢安樂, 二十三者、先亡離苦, 二十四者、宿福受生,
二十五者、諸聖讚歎, 二十六者、聰明利根, 二十七者、饒 慈愍心,
一者、速超聖地,二者、惡業消滅, 三者、諸佛臨護,四者、菩提不退,
五者、增長本力,六者、宿命皆通, 七者、畢竟成佛。』
It was so amazing to read these 28 Wills from Hell Boddhisattva and I feel incredibly lucky we have the chance to connect to them.
The Wills were written on the back of the Hell Boddhisattva picture, from True Dragon Temple.
Xie Xie Sifu and Red Bull for transcribing these amazing wills. 😊🙏🕉💚