Tao and Intention
A simple way to describe Tao is Head Leader.
Whether you are aware of it or not, there is a power leading life. It mysteriously leads every life.
If you are not aware, you are lost—you will be like the weak animal in the pack that the predator will eat for dinner.
That is not to say that you will be eaten! It is a representation of suffering. When you don’t find this system of life and how it works, you will suffer when you don’t follow it.
If you are able to find it, this trail created by the system of life is not supposed to bring you suffering—it’s supposed to make you more and more aware of life from every angle, sharper and more flexible so that you can see more potential and more free opportunities to enjoy life.
The difference between Taoism’s definition of Tao and Buddhism’s is that Taoism describes life as a mysterious and abstract system or the power of a mysterious abstract force.
Buddhism explains it clearly—it’s the four eternal hearts.
Our hearts develop complete awareness with all wisdom and freedom in a kind, caring, joyful way.
Buddhism also explains how this system works.
It describes it as cause and effect, and everything has a cause. From where does the cause arise?
What is the cause of life?
Your intention is the seeds.
If that intention is blind, you will grow blind fruit – which could be poisonous.
If the intention is wise, you will grow wise fruits that could be tasty and enjoyable.
To reach the Amitabha universe, we must purify our actions. Completely purifying intention is very difficult and is already at the Boddhisattva level. If we can control our actions, we are already avoiding bad karma, which is one of the conditions anyway.
Boddhisattva system: Purify yourself while developing wisdom to help yourself and use that wisdom to help others. Without compassion, you would not reach the end of Buddhism.
In the beginning, while you are learning this bodhisattva system, it will take millions and millions of lifetimes. Finally, you can become a bodhisattva. During this time, however, you will be faced with many tests, a lot of suffering, and a lot of tests from your own intention that you will eventually have to clean out. Once you can clean them all out, you have reached Tao.
Sifu – “What I try to teach is not simply from the book; it’s actually the result of what I have researched from the system of life. Buddhism and Taoism have the answers.”