Law of Consciousness
One day one very high level Bodhisattva came to ask Buddha, ‘How does a consciousness become a Buddha?’
Then Siddhartha Buddha taught The Law of Consciousness.
Life is like these two systems, Mirror System, and Steady Centre Station system.
Mirror System:
It’s called Reflection. You, as a consciousness, are not able to see what you want, your intention. Actually, other people see what you want first. Through their reflection you can begin to see your own intention and how it has become involved with theirs, and their intention with yours. But by the time you realize your own intention, it is already deeply involved with others in a complicated way.
To search to understand your own deep consciousness and what it is looking for takes millions and millions of lifetimes to understand through this reflection system. Sometimes the reflection shows something you realize you didn’t want, and you then learn that you have to get rid of this or clean this reflection out.
That’s the first law of consciousness.
If you want the reflection of yourself to be clean, you clean yourself – not the mirror.
If you want the world around you to be kind and generous, you have to make yourself kind and generous. Then all the kind and generous people will come to you and reflect back their own kind and generous nature.
So basically in order to get what you want in life is not to get it from outside, but to BE-come what you want. Then the mirror system will start to reflect what you want.
Our biggest mistake in this mirror system – is to clean try to clean the mirror instead of ourselves – this is EGO.
Greedy people with greedy people don’t trust each other because they don’t trust themselves. This makes their own heart very lonely…
Spiritual Calm Station is a power that last eternally it doesn’t change. Because it is calm and steady, it becomes a centre. That is from where you can develop your Buddha ability, to eventually become Buddha.
That quality could be, pure kindness – you don’t even need to mention the other 3 eternal hearts because they will eventually develop. If you can develop this one ability in a calm and non ego way then that is already a station power. From there everyone will become aware that you are like that – then the mirror system will also reflect this and you become aware and sure that this quality is a part of you. So it is not your ego that says that. You need sure concentrated power of your heart to choose the true spiritual life what you want. You think that life should be like that, everybody should be really honest and friendly and respect each other, or you make a goal and say that life should be easy going without stress, so you represent yourself truly with no stress and try to help other people out of this stress. Whatever this kind of quality you have it becomes a strength inside of you, it becomes a part of you, it is eternal. That’s why it becomes a station.
Once you have a steady centre it is your heart, your strength, it’s the way you want to represent your life. That station is pure through wisdom already testing it, so it will last forever. Every lifetime that station gets bigger, every lifetime more people get more involved with that station and finally you become Buddha because you have that station to help others develop that quality.
When consciousness find a true spiritual strength, and lets the strength grow, it will become a centre of the universe. That centre will cover more and more involved with more lives and make them all involved with that beautiful quality, until finally they learn from it. That quality will finally help you to become Buddha.