Taiji – Zheng Seng Fung
- Feel centre affect to your hands or hands affect your centre?
- Like a flower blooming
- Hands like a whip because a whip power comes back
- from spring point under to up body have to have light feeling from centre up and out
- flow energy and keep guiding from spring point to hand non stop follow
- how does gravity affect your hand going up and going down – each piece twist and open lightly
- twist foot
- don’t copy a move, follow philosophy to make move appear
- practice one side, then other side then both
- Tai Chi I and Buddhism I
- Tai Chi I is different from Buddhism. Harmony I. Unlimited. But still temporary. An ego I has to die.
- Buddhism Eternal True I, is spiritual awakened I, four eternal heart I. Want to develop see through all the ego I
- But start with Tai Chi
- Tai Chi helps us see through
- over-act ego,
- through harmony-ego.
- Blindly act I
- Totally relaxed use energy I
- Finger detail flow out I
- Incorrect angle I
- But not see through any ego is ego 🙂
- We use it to help us develop
See https://secrettruthoflife.com/2017/09/26/time-river/
Cloud hand 1
No I
No tense
Feel the nature
Silk worm line
1. Energy out each finger thin silk line sticky curving
2. Suck that energy back in twisting into the Dantien to create a net inside the body
Steam hand
Aware the procedure
Remain aware by nature
No I
No tense
Curve energy up
Feel nature and then become that nature
Remember mistakes
Mine: balloon all the way to elbow guiding
Seanrat: don’t try so hard to be perfect
Belen: joy ego instead of moves create joy
Amy: not artificial slow
Simon: not mental
Monkey: don’t give yourself stress
JC: charge chakras 4,5,6,7
Gd: centre shaking
Red bull: 45 degree elbow guiding and keep head in line with sternum
Seanpig: don’t be overconfident
Jono: Keep procedure when fast
Horse: no monkey paw, stretch fingers
Sifu tips
- Nose in line with Sternum
- Feather light, if feel heavy in hand out of centre, never want to feel the weapon, just enough foot centre charge all the way energy out the tip
- Melt into the music – sing inside / sing the music in your head
- You don’t need to look at audience, audience is looking at you 🙂
- Hit through a specific point, keep open the chest, no crash in – Hit a point and then flow through, have a stance, position head set up and then hit finish
- Facial expression
Taiji Tips
opening hand gesture no weak wrist bend
Open with chest not shoulders
Single whip both arms end same time
Jump not extend BEFORE jump, jump extends the arm gravity
right arm more forward into setup pose
pheonix elbows and fingers stretch not throw power
What is perfect in Tai Chi?
Perfect means every part has to be perfect. If hand is not free to move and breathe then every part is not perfect.
If hand is unsure then of course everything will look not perfect.
- 50% training is conditioning
- Aware the foot – screw foot in – one finger distance / two for short leg
- Don’t lean lower body forward – aware toes/heels Dan Tien distance create balance for straight centre
- If elbow back, lift up from bottom, not pause and open hands
- Aware the foot – wateman, airman potential rotation self Defence – but keep facing the correct way (connected laser line to Chest) in Bodhidharma move look right creates more free look
- Relax for split second, then Squeeze /twist the foot, rotation Squeeze up the leg to bum and Dan Tien / move pelvic bone in and up
- Alien breathing elbow open not full
- Twist into dragon tail flow
- bum and heel straight line
- low stomach in and up, rib cage should be furthest point, not belly 🙂
- Shoulders don’t cross over – remain open
- Don’t lift shoulders
- Shoulder elbow wrist in line no tension
- Stretching in
- Turn in chi gong
– slimey feel not slimey look
– power in wrist bone point strong like attcking, curve the pwoer out finger joints and lightly to fingers – no high heels and no monkey paw…. tai chi sign rotation twisting from the elbow
- lean back until you almost fall over – pull up the back of the head, shoot chest into the chin
- more power bum, first chakra pull up, low stomach in and up, knees straight
- sometimes slower moves harder to keep centre, in a flow don’t make a pose
- keep elbow light no tension
- shoulders light no tension
- First flow to bird – dont go up – go from elbow back
- When roll the arms back into kung fu pose elbows out not back – open and charge chest
– never stop Centre line!
– slow
Chi gong
– either absorbing or charging energy
– always laser line
Unlimited positive view to look at life is changing – laugh
Energy to consciousness – aware calm
– chi to energy master light create space in joints
– energy master transform to consciousness
1st level
Dragon breathe master / Chi master
From material training become chi master
(Dragon breathe – Through Breathing absorbing charging create light feeling in joints)
4 Element Energy Control Master
From chi create energy
3rd level
Brain wave Intention control master
Change all the energy become consciousness master
4th level
Abstract being emptiness master
Dragon empty meditation
Control energy and space
Empty dragon
aware m
– finish move ready pose is cause next move
– go light without power stay centre
– light and easy
Monkey form
Jump up
Tail 45
Foot first
Wild and control like Fushi form
Screw in
Chest up
Peaceful calm energy butterfly come to you
Taiji session 17/12/15
– waterman – defend away and attack same time – curve
– full charge to fingers more than you think
– wrist pose energy front
– hand arm follow foot step / otherwise it’s just dancing
– don’t think good or bad.. Do u remember the philosophy? Then practice. That’s it.
Taiji 20140306
– each pose hit reflects fingers – elbow fingers and wrist straight
– double tricky hit slight angle to explode from
-ready to attack not actual
– practice function
– ending pose elbow and wrist detail
– first 10 run through catch detail
– flow no tension – curve elbow wrist fingers from foot
– footwork after hand position correct connects flow
– spine bones up not tense or squeeze muscles
– eyes horizon
Taiji lesson 20140227
Every pose structure strong but relaxed – elbows line, not pull power back and up – back relaxed
Always foot discipline. -right stance distance and weight lighter top
Always a curved look – knuckles!
Elbows move the hands
Feel weight in feet then up
Chest up lets arms u turn
Waterman tips
- caress spider web feel future – don’t follow a future with a trap – create attcke and Defence… no break one second – then go with power from foot rotation to the future position… :always find a way to relax shoulders more
- Relax trust no fear
- Wuji knuckle rotation – rolling curving
- Tricks of tricks – sensitive like shadow – rotation body include foot
- Attack is best Defence
- Feel direction of their attack to start rotation empty feel future and go to that future
- Intention for health
- Technique for opening all joints
- Do your best and accept mistakes are part of learning
- Moving in harmony with everything means aware internal and external – aware of your body, their body all the space around you so they can’t get you – you can decide how to win them, in what way, what level – brutal or harmony style
- Release their power, bring it back, attack from other angle. You hit water, water doesn’t care.