
WISDOM Using wisdom in everything, everywhere and in every present If you don’t use them, it is just like you never had it True wisdom, true being 😊 Wisdom will always go with you, it’s an ability not an idea. As you challenge life it’s how you act react in every situation. If your wisdom

Notes Pure Lotus Temple

Amitabha System is not for when you die. It’s for when you are alive to be out of pollution. To hold nothing with kindness intention, and free from possessive heart and reach pure heart to enjoy the true freedom of life. ~notes from Pure Lotus Temple ☺🙏

Buddhism Key Word Definitions – draft

Definitions   Definition of Awareness Creates our feeling about life. The result from whatever we connect to in life (Illusion being, receiving, thinking, and action.) The 5th Development (From Five developments philosophy)   Definition of Awareness boundary What we live in every second. We can only feel what we are aware of and nothing more.

Moving Meditation Intention Control

Moving Meditation Intention Control  Wind blows , Grass moves. Needs no I. Water flows, cloud motion. Needs no thought . No I, no thought – Empty aware of gravity Power from foot Every flow as the rain drop fall into waterfall Roll and Roll through the river, free into the ocean world, join the wave

Order of Meditation Techniques:

Order of Meditation Techniques: Training Why is training the first one? Because any power in life comes from training. In life we can reach anything through training – some things need one lifetime, others need a million lifetimes to reach. It depends on how deep the power is. It is possible to train towards becoming