How to build External Pure Land

Direct Heart, Deep Heart, Awakened Heart and Sincere Heart.

Recording 23/12/2018

How to develop External Pure Land?

Introduction to answer from Siddhartha Buddha teaching in Pure Name Buddha Book:

External Pure Land come from your intention.

But that cannot appear until inside pure first.

So first you have to build Internal Pure Land.

How to do that?

Sometimes you have an amazing feeling of joy inside of you.

Where is that joyful feeling?





You can’t locate it anywhere. It has no location.

Your feeling has no location.

Say unlimited joy in your head.

Did you hear it without sound? The sound you hear is not inside or outside. It is directly created as your consciousness. Your consciousness has no form so whatever it creates also has no form.

When you see red apple, that feeling of red colour is inside or outside? If outside then you can never have that feeling. If it is inside then no one else can have that feeling!

We live in a non stop illusion feeling.

When you realise you are living in this then you can question and observe what is eternal.

It all leads to the same answer – Life is Illusion.

When you observe you want to keep all the amazing and positive side of life stay positive and bright and joyful.

But you cannot.


Unless you can non-stop create it!

Like Tai Chi or Chi Gong, if you can make perfect, that feeling to run the form, if you can create it, it will keep appearing again and again.

Perfect willing heart, right philosophy and right system – so you must be able to experience that perfect feeling once. But you can never hold it.

Develop wisdom ability and be that wisdom ability. Use that wisdom to create joy, self-confidence, concentration, awakened, freedom.

Then you will never depend on happiness from external anymore. And that is true freedom.

No one can take away from you. Like my Tai Chi power, no one can take away. I can share and will never lose anything.

Answer from Buddha: “You have to develop Direct Heart.”

What is Direct Heart?

You don’t get lost by this illusion world anymore. Not searching for them. When they come, don’t possessive and hold it.

Then your heart is free. Then you can use that free heart to observe life and develop wisdom ability.

Then you can recreate the illusion. Not illusion create you. Then you are free.

If illusion creates you, how can you ever be free.

That’s why we develop wisdom, how to create art, create power, good attitude, good intention, if we have power to create then we will not be moody.

We create good moods. Moods cannot control us.

And that is direct heart.

One side, directly see through life is Illusion: no searching, no possessive, don’t let blind ego control us, inside or outside, not from yourself or other people.

Other side, directly create 4 Eternal Hearts.

And that is why 4 Eternal Hearts is Eternal, it is an ability to create from our intention, character, attitude, subconscious body awareness, our space, the art, spiritual look and function as a reality of spiritual development.

Direct Heart is one side see through all the illusion as temporary nothing to get, don’t waste power. Then other side, directly unite your power to develop eternal wisdom ability and share kind, care, joy and free spiritual qualities anytime you want.

Then you feel life is amazing, joyful and free.

Practice meditation:

Take time to observe Buddha and Bodhisattva statue, be aware of their smiling, facial expression and posture. Then say you want to learn that. You can be.

Before they became Buddha they were a normal lifeform on any planet.

How did they develop that power?

Direct Heart.