Diamond Sutra – Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Nothing to get, nothing to say


“The system to become awakened is to help you free from every system, so there is actually no system. Like Tai Chi is a system, but when you reach Wuji you can create any form you want. There is no form. The form is to practice but when you reach it they are not important anymore.”


Siddhartha Buddha asks Shi Pu Di


“Long time ago when I was a Bodhisattva, I reached the highest level of Bodhisattva, become  Buddha, so did I get complete awakening become Buddha or not? After that, I teach and many different systems to become awakened, so did I teach many Dharma or not?

Shi Pu Di answers:


“As I understand, Buddha try to help other life awaken don’t have system like this way or that way, it is actually to free people from every system, not stuck in a system. So for that reason, that’s why Buddha is completely awakened, because he is free from every system not stuck in a system.”


So there is no, Dharma system to get it, because if you get a system then you are stuck in the system and Buddha teach to help everyone out limitation system, so it is not like Buddha teach something so you stuck in those teachings for that reason, there is nothing to get, nothing to say.


Buddha says  that’s right – so even the Dharma I teach is to help you aware to be awakened, not to be lost in those ideas. So even those eternal wisdoms you cannot hold onto them. You cannot get it. You can only be.


And those not eternal wisdoms, so if you are possessive onto them you are going to be lost into suffering, but even eternal wisdom, if you are possessive onto it, instead of aware of it and awaken from it, being it, you will also have suffering. So that is the difference between true awakened wise consciousness and blind consciousness, awakened consciousness live in Wu Wei – it means, they are free from all the systems, but free doesn’t mean escape, there ego able to enjoy all the systems but not lost in those systems.


And that’s called Wu Wei, nothing acting, it doesn’t mean nothing act, it means no I to act, so there is no I lost in the system in those actions, and that is called Wu Wei. And blind consciousness don’t know how to be free experience life to aware of life, to act in life, without not trapped in I, ego, so they don’t understand final Dharma Wu Wei.


Wise consciousness reach WU Wei, they will aware True Dharma is not the speaking Dharma, speaking Dharma is just to help you understand True Dharma.


And True Dharma is not to get something, it is free from try to get anything – so nothing to get.


True Dharma is not what you explain, so nothing to say.


And awakened consciousness understand that able to freely help everyone towards enlightenment and stay in awakened zone of nothing to get, nothing to say.


Is it too abstract – put up your hand?


What do you understand?


Simon: What we learn is not for the blind I


Seanpig: Any system in illusion is also illusion, so if your stuck in a system to get out of illusion, you’re still stuck in an illusion. Or another way, don’t limit yourself to one system to out of illusion. Goal is not to be stuck in one, but learn unlimited ones to help every life.


JC: Like Tai Chi, we learn a lot of different forms, but ultimately the goal is to become form-less.


Dharma Observer: Wisdom is being, there is no way of holding th wisdom, because it is being. Once it is being, it is constantly changing and adapting to unlimited situations. If it is not that, then it is essentially, stuck, inflexible and holding to something.


Red Dragon: You can’t be possessive towards wisdom. Wisdom is something you absorb to become your being. Speaking for example, belongs to Speaking-Dharma – it is a language to communicate, not grabbing something, becoming something.


Dharma Protector: You said at one point you can’t get trapped in the system. If life is a system, and you are learning to be aware of it, then is that not trapped in a system?


Sifu: Life is a system of constantly changing, so there is already no system. So if you are awakened to aware of life, then you are also free like life, you will not trap yourself into anything. Life is constantly changing and illusion, come from others, no I, so life is already no I. So if you are aware of life you already have no I. You won’t be trapped in any system. Life appears from combination, so there is already no I, it comes from others. Everything in life is already no I. A movie is already no I, no I in there. Even a crazy movie many people die? No one actually die. If you have no I, you surely won’t have an I trapped in anything.


Horse: What do you mean by being possessive to philosophy or an idea?


Sifu: If you remember Tai Chi philosophy, but can’t do Tai Chi, is that someone who understands the philosophy? No. Possessive to idea, doesn’t equal understand it, so what’s good about it? You can’t be the idea.


Horse: What if you can’t do it AND you aren’t possessive to it?


Sifu: You are not even in the first stage of trying to remember it.


Siddhartha Buddha says “If a consciousness is awakened already understand eternal truth of life there is no pollution, now they have a will to become Buddha and help every life, and a will to build a Pure Land, a school for life ot learn without suffering and if they want to reach this goal how should they do it – is that the question you ask?


Buddha says that is a great Dharma creation, now I will answer you.


If you are sincere to understand you will open you Four Eternal Heart and actually have unlimited force in your life to become Buddha, build a Pure Land and help every life.


Sifu – I read this 30 years ago I thought I understood it but I recently I discovered I didn’t aware of it that deep. It makes me humble.


Answer is: Direct Heart, Deep Heart, Awakened Heart, Sincere Heart – that is the foundation.


Buddha says if you want to build a Pure Land you have to build an internal Pure Land first. And to build internal Pure Land you have to develop Direct Heart as a foundation.


Because external Pure Land, appears through intention so if you don’t build a Internal Pure Land you can’t build external Pure Land.


What is Internal Pure Land?


Sometimes if you see something and it gives you a joyful feeling one time, and you would like to recreate that joyful feeling again right?


How about that feeling – can you grab it?


That joyful feeling is not inside or outside. You can’t locate it anywhere. It has no form. Your feeling have no location.


You can’t keep anything steady or eternity, unless you have no stop power to create it already – like Tai Chi – if you can create it perfectly, then it can appear again and again. If you can’t even create it once, how are you going to hold it.


Eternal perfect feeling is not something you can hold onto. You have to develop eternal wisdom ability and be that wisdom ability to create it. And it you can always create it, then you don’t have to depend on anyone or anything external to create it anymore. That’s why we develop the wisdom. It creates self-confidence, create concentration, creates awakened, creates freedom. Because once it is created by your own power, then no one can take it away from you. Like my Tai Chi power, I can share the wisdom how I develop the Tai Chi power, but no one can take away.


True Wisdom is so, you have to develop Direct Heart, what is that? You don’t get lost by the illusion world anymore, you are not searching them, and when they come, you are not possessive to hold onto them. Because you are not searching or possessive then your heart remains free. And you can use that free heart to observing life and develop wisdom ability. Then you can recreate the illusion.


When you can recreate the illusion then life becomes free.


That’s why we develop wisdom – how to create art, how to create power, good attitude, good intention, if we have power to create then moody don’t control us, we create good mood. That’s direct heart. One side, directly see life is illusion, don’t let all this searching possessive, blind ego control us, that’s externally, everyone around you blind ego, inside you’re own moods control you. When you are free from it you are directly to create four eternal hearts, with 4 Eternal Hearts you surely have power to become eternal, because it is ability to create not something to create you.


From our intention, character, attitude, subconsciousness body awareness and our space, make our space into a spiritual look and have spiritual function, all of this are reality of spiritual development, that is all through direct heart. Directly see through all the illusion, directly see through all the possessive greed and ego heart, no eternity there and directly create all this wisdom eternity, kind, care, joy and free all these spiritual qualities. And because you create it you can create it anytime you want. Then it remains always there – then you start to feel life is perfect, awesome and free.


Our consciousness has the power to create Buddha and Bodhisattva power. One time in a hot spring I had many nonsense in my head, and following them made me headache, so I said, no, I will enjoy this moment in the hot spring, massage my head on a rock gently. Then I see a Buddha in my third eye, made of special blinking, shining lights – it looks like each cell is made of a big bang and black hole at the same time – I was so impressed. Then I thought maybe my body can do that, and then I saw my body doing that! I forgot human, all of my students, everything for a moment and felt life is incredible, amazing, perfect, we can actually do that, we just have to practice, we have to free from all these limitations we have.


We should concentrate in all these perfect qualities that we have.


When I came back the hot spring was magic, but not that magical!


If you can reguide your heart to be clear all the illusion you are trapped in and not let the jail control you, try to aware Buddha and Bodhisattva, try to look at the statue, look how perfect their smiling, how perfect their posture, and then you can start to say I want to learn that, it might happen!


Before Buddha and Bodhisattva become awakened they were normal blind consciousness. Any lifeform in any planet. How they become that free to create magical feeling because they use direct heart.


What is direct heart?

Check evernote version as well


  • No searching, no holding, observing eternal truth of life to be aware of the essence in every present


2 parts:

  1. Directly see through illusion and blindness and not let it control you. That part has to be built as a foundation, directly see through it and understand all the blindness is where it causes you suffering and makes you weak, not let them control you.
  2. Because of that you don’t waste power in there anymore you can unite your power to directly awakened consciousness in four eternal hearts, then you become free, you become strong, you become wise. Then wisdom will all appear.


Without Buddha and Bodhisattva wisdom I would have no idea how to create such magical joy in my life. But Tai Chi and Chi Gong provide a foundation it make me aware my subconscious so I have power to go far. I really appreciate and love to share all of them. If spiritual reality doesn’t appear it is not because they are so difficult, it is because you don’t really become that wisdom.


The Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra

7. No obtaining, no expounding

“Subhuti, what do you think? Has the Tathagata attained anuttarasamyaksambodhi? Has the Tathagata spoken any dharma?”

Subhuti said, “As I understand what the Buddha has said, there is no concrete dharma called anuttarasamyaksambodhi, and there is no concrete dharma which the Tathagata has spoken. And why? The dharmas spoken by the Tathagata cannot be grasped and cannot be spoken. It is neither dharma nor no dharma. And why? Unconditioned dharma distinguishes worthy sages.”



anuttara-samyak-sambodhi[阿耨多羅三藐三菩提・無上正等正覚] (; anokutara-sammyaku-sambodai or mujō-shōtō-shōgaku): Supreme perfect enlightenment, the unsurpassed enlightenment of a Buddha. Anuttarameans supreme, highest, incomparable, unsurpassed, or peerless. Samyak means right, correct, true, accurate, complete, or perfect, and sambodhi means enlightenment. The expression samyak-sambodhi by itself is also used to mean perfect enlightenment. Bodhi and sambodhi also mean wisdom or perfect wisdom. In this sense, anuttara-samyak-sambodhimeans supreme perfect wisdom.
