What is the definition of Life?

What is the definition of Life? Abstract Existence Life looks like it is concrete? But how that concrete is fake, because if the atom within the concrete floor is separates it could blow up. Therefore it is not how it seems and is abstract. Life is full of unlimited possibilities with individual ego blindness. It’s

Love and Happiness in every life

Love and Happiness in every life Love is a mysterious secret flavour, once you taste it you are right away attracted to it. Trying to grab Love is like trying to use your hand to grab the moon’s reflection in the water, not only can the moon not be caught but the water will also

What is Por Le

Index: See Heart Sutra definition…   Unedited Notes from San Sifu: — 3 types of Por Le- Language Por le Observing Por le Awaken/ability Por le Every consciousness has, but without guiding from Buddha or Bodhisattva then it is does not appear. Therefor, it is hidden consciousness. Bodhisattva is already awakened, so heart is called

Phoenix Heart

Phoenix Heart Delete the “I”, refresh the Consciousness. No intention for any direction. Be purely joyful from enlightenment. Be everywhere without searching, observe everything without thinking. Abstract with eternal, reincarnate as god-like.

Daoist spirits is the basic for Buddhism

Taoist spirits is the basic for Buddhism. Taoism says the way you want to reach a perfect life, you shouldn’t start with a greed to try everything., or try something for a little bit but give it up. You spend you whole life trying things, and finally you reach nothing. The two Tao symbols in