Diamond sutra chapters

1: Dharma Time and Space 2: Dharma Creator 3: True Dharma (4 Appearance is Illusion) 4: Hold Nothing, Incredible Action 5: Use complete logic to aware the complete truth 6: Incredible understand True Wisdom Trust 7: Nothing to get, nothing to say

Everything is one…

Everything is one One is empty Empty can create everything 😃👌🏼🙏 1 One is coming from every thing join together.. 0 Coming from other, no self ,so empty 1000… Empty is able to let everything join together 😄☯


Ming shin Jiàng xing Make your heart bright and aware the essence. Ming shin – Heart can get, hold and be held by nothing. Jiang xing – essence create all the intention, thinking, speaking and action. Back to the essence before this happens. When you are aware essence, your heart is free, no beginning no

Red Bull philosophy – five developments spiritual hearts

Redbull Philosophy The ability to train unlimited joy is in your heart. It is in every heart. Suffering appears because we simply don’t train and develop our spiritual heart. We have the habit to put our awareness blindly into 4 Devils. 1 Heart 2 Gate. Observe and Purify each development and true joy can develop.

Bodhisattva system

Bodhisattva system Boddhisattva system is the only True Buddhism System. The other systems (i.e.. Monk systems) are just a warm up for the Bodhisattva system. For some people they don’t have the power to learn the bodhisattva system – so the other systems help them The Human system would take a million lifetimes to reach