How to handle chronic disease in your family

Response from Sifu regarding how to handle chronic disease in your family. Hi …, We are happy to give you some Philosophy advice. I know it must be a very difficult case for you. But it all depends on how old is your daughter, what kind of chronic disease, how long she has had this

True freedom is not trying to get something – true freedom is when you don’t try to get anything.

Forward from Tim “ True freedom is not trying to get something; True freedom is when you don’t try to get anything. And enjoy the will, developing wisdom to help others 😄🙏 “ Wow.. there are so many amazing philosophies from your classes over the years.. thank you for helping me to realize for myself,

True Heart – Unlimited freedom Dharma Joy – Meditation Technique

Introduction- Our True Heart Like a caterpillar that has not yet passed through the cocoon stage, finally turned into a butterfly free to fly, if we haven’t yet started to be aware of our true self, developing our true heart, we will not be able to be free to enjoy life. So to understand our

Hell Karma – respect spiritual teacher

I can not teach anyone who making Hell karma, I’m not wise enough for such blind consciousness. To make Hell karma in Amitabha Pure land class is truly stupid 🤔 No one can control you, But your blindness ego creates blind bad or hell karma, that can control you into unlimited suffering forever 😳 Anyway,

Spiritual will in every present

Spiritual will in every present 🙏 1. Whatever you connect to is whatever you will become.🐉🕉☯ 2. Practice to follow Amitabha 3 conditions in every present with every situation till No beginning No end, Nature Dharma – Being. Four Eternal Hearts.