What is paradise?


What is paradise?

Hotel in Thailand – about $2000US per night. The Hotel was designed with a lot of wisdom and beauty. The people that work there believe that you are amazing because you are able to afford it.

All the guests there are rich and snobby, and have a bad body shape – even with all the money they looked the most unhappy.

But the waitresses that earn less money and do all the hard work, they smile as though they are really happy from their heart.

Even though I was in a place that seemed like a paradise it really wasn’t a paradise at allbecause all the guests were so unhappy. But it was in the smile of the waiters that I saw paradise.

The servants take care of their body. The cooks look young and fit. They actually care about people, they enjoy to take care for people.

Happiness comes from the quality of the paradise.

It has nothing to do with materials. It has to do with your awareness and intention.

How can we create paradise for ourselves?

Other part of paradise for my view is wisdom. When you have a good intention in life, it already gives the basic – no greedy, no bad intention.

A child heart is where the paradise comes from. Happy without needing anything. An attitude that always wants to enjoy life.


Paradise Needs:

1. Child heart

Main attitude of Child Heart

– Curiosity

– An attitude that always wants to enjoy life

– Innocent


2. Good intention

– Purifying your senses – always being able to be aware of good quality.


3. Wisdom

– Discipline can help your wisdom get stronger.

– Spending time with the right people – having the discipline to maintain the most wise choice.

By taking small steps to purify all the small things in your life – eventually your whole life will become a paradise.