6 steps to purifying in illusion

6 steps to purifying in illusion being dated 2010😂🙏

Life may be illusion being, but it is not an illusion in the sense that everything is meaningless. Illusion being has incredible wisdom and logic, it’s the power of constant change, but the way it *changes has a lot of step-by-step connections of cause and effect. SO to learn spirits you have to understand the logic and apply it to your life correctly.
The first step is to become a wise person. To have the ability to change your moody and emotional habit into a habit that uses wisdom.

However in order to bring that step you need another step before.
Remembering the wisdom. All the information you want to apply to your life you must first remember it.

Prior to remembering the wisdom, you must observe it. Observe the information you receive and try to understand whether it is correct. If it were not correct why would you want to try to learn it?

Before you observe the information you need to have an open mind to listen to wisdom, this is curiosity.

Curiosity comes when you realise that you are blind and don’t have wisdom.

Before all these steps suffering is the main drive to reach wisdom ability and therefore is the beginning step to obtaining wisdom. Suffering is the main teacher, without suffering there wouldn’t be as much*

In short the steps to wisdom ability are:
1. Suffering – because we feel that suffering is bad. We understand that it is no good and life is not supposed to be in this way.
2. Blindness – Suffering comes from blindness. Acknowledging this blindness pushes you to search for answers to your suffering.
3. Curiosity – after the suffering and the realisation of blindness your heart becomes more curious to release the suffering and cure the blindness.
4. Observation – When you come across information you must observe this information to see if it is applicable and true to the system of life. Instead of just blindly following the information (which you know would only bring suffering) try to understand it form many different angles.
5. Remember – Wisdom is valuable when it can release your suffering, therefore it is important that you remember it correctly so that you can apply it to your own life.
6. Use it – Simply when you understand and remember the wisdom you must apply it to your life, getting rid of bad habits and replacing them with wisdom choices.

Considering this was taught in 2010…. it’s still epic and awesome to realise I am building the discipline to do it more and more. The habit to observe any negative feeling and try to understand the cause is helping me build a filter to clean out pollution as it appears. Priceless wisdom to continually observe myself and every life 🙏🏼😊 🕉☯🐉🐲😌