Book of meditation techniques – 4 element meditation


  • Step by step work through the 4 elements, starting from Earth (usually the easiest for me personally but up to you.)
  • Once you can feel each one you can enjoy feeling separated from your body
  • The feeling will make you feel light.
  • And feeling light will make you smile.
  • The joyful feeling will create an empty feeling.
  • At that magical point your consciousness can connect to beautiful philosophy, can bow, can make a will to help every life, anything is possible from that point.
  • That is called Back to the Essence, re-creation. You re-create your intention from pure essence outwards.
  • Like a ripple on the surface of the water, that intention-wave has no border.



  • gravity pull you into ground
  • Feel spring point charge up rotation up to 1000 join point, back of head up like pearl necklace
  • Soften that line, to 10% power, centre of centre of centre laser line. The smaller/ thinner you can make it
  • Shoot power up and return it to Dan Tien – 3or4 fingers underneath belly button
  • Spring point charge up laser line, let it become soft and let energy fill every cell
  • Breathe in every cell expand and relax charge laser line



  • hold breath for one second feel the blood pumping around your body, feel your pulse
  • Body is 80% water
  • It runs itself circulating
  • Feel where you’re tense, imagine your body like a river flowing and unblock where you are stiff



  • Feel warmth, put your palms together and leave a little space, energy
  • Imagine sun on your skin warmth



  • Air breathing in and out – feel the touch on your body
  • Feel lightness of air into the tip of nostrils – Right under your nose
  • Breath itself without I. Needs no thought. Separation.



  • Feel body is a river flowing
  • Use warmth to heat the river become steam in the body
  • The steam abstractly flows into the sky become clouds in your body
  • Feel body so light the wind gently blows all the clouds away leaving empty space
  • So light, the separation from your body, make you smile from heart more

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