Introduction- Our True Heart
So to understand our true self is the key to enjoy life.
- Hidden consciousness,
- I – consciousness,
- Sub-consciousness, and
- Brain consciousness.
Develop these four potentials and True freedom to enjoy life will be completely open.

The first True Life
In the Earth, almost every life including us, we all blindly exist and live.
We never ask precisely to find the complete answer to the questions:
- “Why do we exist?
- Why do we exist as a human?
- Why we don’t exist as another species?
- Why do we have to die?
- What happens after we die?
We just continue to enjoy every present, living, living, living…
And it is getting worse.
We don’t even enjoy living in the present. We live in worry, just trapped in worry-existing habit. Worry about the past and something you missed or something you did wrong and feel regret about it… feel bad about it and then worry about the present, we’re not good enough or we want more. Or we lose many things so we worry more. And then worry about the future… aaaaar… what am I going to do if I don’t make enough money?.. tsk tsk tsk…. maybe I can’t go on holiday any more…!?
So even if you don’t worry about that, you will worry about something else.
It becomes that you do not even enjoy the present to live… you just worry to exist.
And this style of blindness exists from when you were born as an innocent child, enjoying life… to finally make so many stupid things happen, crying, hurt, so much trouble, feel your heart broken one million times from everything… my toys are broken, my heart is broken too!
Finally the broken heart becomes worry to have more broken heart and then it is trapped there.
Then they just want to have safety/security.
Most people are stuck in this, until finally they become so old they don’t want to die but the body is merciful want to help them start to break down. To help them out of their suffering. It says no, go on let it go…
But even when the body breaks down and they have so much suffering they will still hold it!
Even their life has no meaning now or had no meaning ever, they realise every ‘meaning’ they have… was just blindly searching, it has all become not important… like the toy they were looking for as a kid not important anymore… the marriage they have been looking for becomes a graveyard of trapped.
Joyful feelings change to become only responsible feelings… responsibility for everything (work, kids, wife, husband).
But finally the only thing any life has responsibility for is to enjoy life with healthy ability.
The only thing you should really care about and be responsible for… they don’t even care about it.
The totally forgot about it until the opposite… they make their body work like a slave until it finally breaks down and then the 4 element body has mercy it says “It’s alright you break me and now I’ll help you let it go, go towards the light…., become a new baby… out of this suffering… start again…”
Then they will find a way to hold so much of this suffering-body to live longer.
This kind of blind-existing and suffering so much and still want to blindly existing without meaning at all… but still want to hold to have a life.
This is the common consciousness in the earth.
Buddha say they still are all important as any Bodhisattva or Buddha.
Because Bodhisattva and Buddha, before they become Bodhisattva and Buddha, are also like so.
When the seeds are not ready to grow, you take it out and it touches the sun and it gets burned.
Eternal wisdom is to help consciousness to be awakened into the first true life.
And that first true life is called “Unlimited Freedom Dharma Joy Awakening True Life.”
And that meditation makes life, become real life.
It makes life before awakening like a nightmare, like a dream. We were just a caterpillar trying to survive but now freedom appears and we tranform into a butterfly.
Here is the meditation technique. – to explain how consciousness can change from this blind existence and become free to fly.
Unlimited Freedom Dharma Joy Awakening True Life – Meditation Technique
First part
The first part above is called Caterpillar Life.
Second part
Second part is called Cocoon.
Cocoon is a protection for them to change their consciousness.
And the protection is to develop observing what is the truth of life.
And not just truth for a short period of time, truth for eternity.
Not only eternity by time, but from every angle.
And when they are observing they find the answer and are of aware all the truth from every angle about life.
Then protection appears.
And Buddhism is that protection.
You must have been learning for many lifetimes already, already like a caterpillar and start to build up a cocoon, by your curiosity to want to know what is the truth of life.
You build up that protection every lifetime, a bit more and more.
Finally you reach number two graduated, your mind loves Eternal truth of life. And you can be aware of it and it’s perfect logic and your heart has so much joy it naturally wants to follow it and stay to develop with it.
And when your heart becomes so, that means that life is already into the second stage.
The evolution of consciousness from totally blind and existing becomes they have a map, aware how to be free from every angle… and what is that map?
Third Part
The most exciting.
Lifetime after lifetime in darkness, lifetime and lifetime in suffering.
And through eternal wisdom know life doesn’t have to stay in suffering.
The opposite, in present every consciousness already connected to all the space and every space connected to every universe so unlimited universes already connected to you and support you to do even one dragon breathe.
Enjoy your breathing because that breathing is connected to unlimited universes now!
Wisdom develops, you start to know the suffering comes from that trapped feeling and always worry about what I want.
This is for me….so I and my.
The blind ego controls everything to make you pay attention, every thing you do every second….
“What am I going to do to get what I want, what will I be, what do they think about me?…”
You are constantly in that.
Become a black hole worry about that and that I and my become the heaviest, heaviest black hole.
You get sucked into it. Squeezed and squeezed until your dead!
You feel there is no life anymore. Life has no more happiness juice.
But, ahhhh… a caterpillar is eating all the wisdom leaves, he understands the trick that there is no end of suffering there, you don’t have to do that…. ahh… instead share to every life. Right away your consciousness is out of I and my.
When you are stuck in I and my you stay constantly stuck in it without end. Am I better? Am I worse? The thing I want is gone oh no! There is no end to this cycle.
But the wisdom leaves help you understand all of that is illusion, a nightmare for nothing. Eating enough wisdom leaves creates protection.
The first protection: Hold nothing.
Everything is constantly changing. Try to hold, no chance it is stupid. But try to share is amazing.
So change from I and mine possessive want to hold – becomes giving, open heart, joy, want to share.
Open heart creates kindness, open heart creates wisdom, open heart creates the strength to support everyone.
And because you support everyone with eternal force, there are so many life need help from so many different ways, no limitation…. then eternal heart grow.
A willing heart, open heart, want to help every life has unlimited force because there is unlimited ways to develop to help unlimited life.
So finally wisdom leaves are protection and help eternal heart grow.
And eternal heart inside this cocoon starts to grow.
And Dharma Joy appears instead as a change from your fear and worry non-stop.
And observing eternal wisdom becomes a natural joy and realise that’s where all the eternal joy comes from.
Realise if you don’t do that that is where eternal suffering come from. Blindness is like darkness. When you are blind it is dark. When lights on, darkness disappear itself.
Either you become the lights or you are that darkness.
Many lifetimes you have been stuck in darkness, now you create the lights, sparkling, become fire works… sometimes 🙂
Eternal heart still need protection. Cocoon need second protection is…
Second protection: No bad intention towards any life
Because every life is equal, any bad intention towards any life comes back to you, so second protection makes pure kindness heart eternally appear.
Now heart not just creates wisdom to help everyone, heart remains in a beautiful zone, loving everyone.
Eternal heart gets 2 directions, wisdom and compassion, both have unlimited ways to grow, both have unlimited Dharma joy.
Third protection: Bow to Buddha
Third protection to create open heart to create all the strength in a wise way to help everyone and loving everyone through compassion, aware every life equal important, every caterpillar can become a butterfly not only yourself.
But their power is too weak, so they ask Buddha “please help so our cocoon does not get eaten and we have time to let this Dharma joy way and safe way to develop our strength more.”
They humbly ask Buddha help to protect them
Amitabha Buddha protection is the most incredible, all the Buddha’s say.
Then the caterpillar will be finally feel eternally safe now ahhhhhh 🙂
Now my eternal heart will surely not get damaged. Though even it is still weak, now with Buddha’s incredible kindness and unlimited wisdom power protection and with my humble sincere heart protection now cocoon is safe now, surely going to become butterfly, heart full of unlimited joy.
How does it become a butterfly?
Secret is you have to become the power of pureness as a centre steady so all the changing illusion power cannot influence you anymore.
In pure empty space everything constantly changing but awakened consciousness hold nothing, open heart develop strength like empty space, awakened consciousness support every life to be awakened and then in that journey they will not have ego, “I support anyone.”
They aware all this changing power is created by ego so they will not have an ego to say “I do something…” they just happily open heart but not an ego-I help someone. Open heart to share.
Sifu yo students: Thank you for sharing your spiritual journey with me.
I never feel I help one of my students, I just feel I share an amazing transformation. And help you find your centre.
Subconsciousness Tai Chi, pure heart Amitabha Buddha system.
And because you are aware everything keep changing, so many blind causes, you don’t let them control you. You stay aware, as a life, never stop observing all the change, and how we remain pure and open and follow Amitabha Buddha’s 3 conditions.
Then this muddy dirt forbearance, suffering world is beautiful, it’s amazing.
It is a new training ground to become passion to learn wisdom, become that ability to purify yourself to follow Amitabha Buddha’s system is only from your heart. Cannot come from me, or any Buddha.
Once you have both centres, both become stronger in all this training power.
The strongest power controls everything.
The sun is so strong, so all the planets revolve around it.
The earth is your Tai Chi laser line.
The sun is your eternal heart, Amitabha Buddha Pure Land system.
When you have them both you are ready to fly.
I have passed through years with you from caterpillar into this cocoon and transform them step by step, today you are ready to fly.
No beginning no end, all the wisdom you have you live with it.
All the good intention naturally in you you share with everyone no beginning no end.
See through nothing to hold, fear and worry will disappear, no beginning no end.
Free from see through all life is illusion become creator, create your own illusion, beautiful illusion, playful illusion, helpful illusion, joyful illusion, patient illusion, theatre illusion, friendly illusion, supporting and see things positive illusion, teaching illusion.
In all these amazing great qualities, through wisdom choices, keep good seeds and clean out the bad seeds, no beginning no end.
Then you are ready.
Trust yourself.
Trust your heart, the wisdom you have already learned.
Trust your will to follow Amitabha Buddha system then you will be the Earth to support every life.
You will be the sun, bring the brightness for every consciousness.
I’m no one special. I just connect to eternal wisdom. Now you also connect to it. You will be the same. You can become the earth, the new forest, the sun never getting dark. Bring the brightness to everyone.
“To all the eternal perfect Buddha and Bodhisattva, may I have one heart, one intention, pure intention, good intention towards every life, follow Amitabha Buddha system never stop, one heart, one pure good intention to follow Amitabha Buddha system. “
From a class given by Forever Wisdom Forest on the 14th of January, 2017 in Sydney, Australia.