No-I Martial Arts
- Lie down
- Start to flow your energy
- Flow your whole body energy as one piece
- Flow lighter and lighter until searching heart slows down
- Return back to neutral, balanced, harmony, flowing all the energy around your body to let go of everything. Everything that you hold in your body as tense.
- Start to slow down your flow until you naturally come to a resting place
- Let your body be completely quiet and light.
- This is the starting point of the highest level of martial arts.
- From here start to feel your first chakra, Dan tien, rolling the energy up to your body.
- Rotate you whole body up to sitting position with this power.Now your sitting upright, you can sit proud as if a string is lifting your head and centre up straight.
- Then like the string being cut on a puppet, let everything fall. Naturally you will fall to on side, use this to roll the power from Dan tien to lift everything up and flow the power out.
- Don’t bother trying to go fast or explode.
- Try to flow with no tension to every angle.
- Until you’re not limited by angles and can release tension as you flow.
- Then start to build speed and work toward explosion.