Book of meditation techniques – Great Force Bodhisattva

Book of meditation techniques Index: Warmup – Breathing techniques for meditation Warmup – Buddha Smile technique for meditation 1. Appearing in all the Space Bodhisattva  Book of Meditation Techniques – Appearing in All Space Bodhisattva   2. Great Force Bodhisattva – see below 3. Observing life sound Bodhisattva – see posts on listening meditation techniques 4.

Book of Meditation Techniques – Appearing in All Space Bodhisattva

Meditation Technique Practice Dragon breathe until you have emptied your mind, calmed you’re searching heart and feel joy in your body. You will feel delicate energy around your face and heart. Hint – you should be smiling. Take that smile and expand that energy around your body and down to your Dantien (lower abdomen.) See