Middle Way No Stress

In Buddhist philosophy they say Life is illusion. Illusion means free.. Free to develop step by step into that, means you can live in present, towards all freedom, with wise good intention .. ? Middle way no stress ?♨️ -Forever Wisdom Forest

Meditation – How to see life as illusion

Meditation: How to see life as illusion Introduction This class talks about a meditation taught by Observing Life Sound Bodhisattva two thousand years ago. But the technique is even more relevant today for our fast paced lives. Even amongst our technology and social media we must find the time to calm our heart and mind back to

Heart Sutra Summary – and how to clean out your karma

How to clean out your karma I have an ability for meditation that sometimes I can’t explain. It’s quite a special ability. Sometimes I am able to love every life and let myself be free from all stress. Really take everything light and empty. That ability is harder for me when you are all here

How to be happy

To be happy you have to learn again what is life, then you are free to create your life in a wise way which is joyful for yourself and others. That is the true meaning of life. You take that as the main value or you don’t. But take anything else as important is just an

How to be free from your greed

How to be Free from material greed One word is enough. Greed power has no enough. Wise people know how to have enough. Stress comes from whatever is beyond what is enough. For example – I want to make my life simple, so my white shirt is enough. Too many colours to choose from so