Six Bodhisattva Characters – First Four – Summary

Six Bodhisattva Characters Generosity, discipline, patience, concentration, meditation, wisdom Generosity Generosity means to share with or be kind towards other life. It is not to be blindly kind towards people as this can cause negative results, making them spoiled, greedy and lazy. So, generosity needs to be guided by wisdom. To be a generous person,


Try to be wise is just your ego. Aware your blindness is wisdom.

What is the meaning of life? The 6 fake and 8 complete Truths of Life Each philosophy controlled a China dynasty for more than 100 years. Even Confucius’ one stays around because it’s simple and simple is easier for people to take. To help you judge truth Buddhism uses the phrase Eternal Truth. That means a truth which is true for every life form, in all timing past, present

Dictionary of Life

Here is a link written by Forever Wisdom Forest. Dictionary of Life Password is: ilovewisdom Enjoy. DK

10 ways to explain the word ‘Essence’

  There are many different ways to explain essence, here are some: 1. As heart sutra teaches – essence has no birth no death, never dirty nor clean, can’t be added to or subtracted from. 2. Essence has 4 qualities: Truth – life is illusion in both ways. Essence is eternal pure, never change. Appearing