What is Heart?

“Heart” Has Three Powers Your subconsciousness is a combination of the first five consciousnesses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching). It is your body awareness. The sixth consciousness is your brain consciousness, which is your thinking (mind). The seventh is your “I Consciousness”, which is a combination of your subconsciousness and brain consciousness. The eighth

Smile When You Study Philosophy

Sifu You should smile when you’re learning philosophy, you should feel joyful because you’re happy to receive the wisdom. If you don’t create that feeling, you don’t have a spiritual power, a spiritual heart, to appreciate the philosophy yet. You are only using mental power so you will not remember the philosophy deeply from heart

The Four Noble Truths

Life has suffering. We receive, create, and hold onto our own suffering through blindness. To be free from suffering we must destroy the cause. Once all the causes of suffering have been destroyed, the first level of Nirvana will appear. Introduction Sean Pig: There’s a story about the Four Noble Truths from my life that

Amitabha Buddha’s 48 Wills

Pure Land of Unlimited Joy The Pure Land will remain pure; there will be no bad karma. What you develop you won’t lose; your level will never decrease. You will have an energy body made of golden light. You will have 32 perfect Buddha features. Every consciousness in the Pure Land will be perfect in

Reincarnation – Amitabha Incredible Karma Force

I have spoken before about my health and who came to help me. I did that for the following two reasons… The first was to explain about karma. In the past, I helped people sincerely, so they cared about me and were happy to help me in return. Whatever you have done in your past