Four principles to be Forever Young

How to improve your level Accept your wisdom is too low There are so many limitations at human level. These come from blindness . Mostly, our consciousness think “I am the most important, not this universe.” That is our ego. Truth is I’m more explosive than all of you, Zhang Seng Feng could still kick

A summary of the Heart Sutra

Is there a summary of the Heart Sutra? Answer The whole philosophy wants to help you reach one thing. The Five Developments are an introduction to spiritual development. They lay the foundation of spirits with one goal in mind: to help you see through illusion so your heart can become free, with no more boundaries,


Suffering – What does the word mean? Causes of suffering Suffering is created by our blindness and then received by our consciousness. Food is hot, you are hungry so you eat it and get burnt. Suffering has no form, you cannot describe its color, you cannot point at the suffering itself. Suffering has desire style,

Say each word to match the word

6 bodhisattva characters Say each word to match the word   Practice: Say each word to match the word – never just listen from words, tone, facial expression, I know if someone understands. Generosity – free, friendly, warm. Discipline – sharp, direct. Patience – attitude of feel no stress. Concentration – not pushing, otherwise that

Listening Ability Meditation

How to develop listening meditation ability. How to purify yourself through the sense of hearing from Observing Life Sound Bodhisattva. When we listen to other people we are listening to what we want to hear. Firstly, you always have a ‘character’ there which describes how you listen. It is the way you listen to anything.