
Bodhisattva   Anyone, who understands the truth of life and wants to help others to understand it, can be called “Bodhisattva”. One who has trained his or her consciousness from regular human consciousness into Buddha’s consciousness can also be called a Bodhisattva. The category of Bodhisattva generally has two different types. The first type understands the

8 Levels of Concentration

Here are the 8 levels of concentration. To improve it in your life and develop your observing ability practice these to rise your level. 1. Always protect your child heart 2. Get away from bad habits and negative influences 3. Understand what is true value 4. Share developing wisdom with spiritual consciousness 5. To get

Relationship between Illusion Being and Consciousness

Five developments (illusion being, receiving, thinking, acting, and awareness) are empty: The concept of the five developments is one of the Buddha’s most famous teachings. It describes the idea that life has two parts united as one. The first part, Illusion being, describes the idea of all-existing forms, including empty space, light and darkness. The

What is consciousness?

Consciousness is the ability to be aware of all existing form. The understanding comes in a clear, sequential way. It begins with receiving information of illusion being – through thinking and feeling. Thinking takes place when one memorizes, organizes, analyzes, makes a decision, forms an intention from that information. Afterwards, one’s consciousness acts on or

Ten Ideas of Illusion

What is Illusion? Illusion is a power that can make a trick appear true and the true appear to be a trick, but can’t change what a trick is or what is true. Ego is Illusion Ego is illusion because it comes from your senses; whatever you take as ego and call “I” is actually