A summary of the Heart Sutra

Is there a summary of the Heart Sutra?


The whole philosophy wants to help you reach one thing.

The Five Developments are an introduction to spiritual development. They lay the foundation of spirits with one goal in mind: to help you see through illusion so your heart can become free, with no more boundaries, no more heaviness, holding nothing, and learning the Amitabha system perfectly.

Because the Heart Sutra talks about how to become Buddha, when the heart becomes awakened, sees that illusion is empty: empty illusion. These two are not separate.

From either way, from empty or illusion either one, not anything blindly possessive toward them at all by nature. Because heart gets rid of blind-habit possessive nature towards Illusion Being, experience, feelings, consciousness awareness, you can be possessive Illusion Being and the other is feeling and idea, internal dharma and external dharma, our body is continuously possessive towards both. Until you become wise enough to understand both illusion as empty and empty as illusion, you can’t learn anything at all.

Eventually, you realize, you are your blind habit from lifetimes and lifetimes of possessive for nothing, to create suffering and stress, but still make you able to enjoy life. You start to really enjoy life without feeling possessive.

When your heart is free, with no more dream illusion, greed, or suffering, finally you can start to be free from possessive greed – instead living in a spiritual, kind, care, joy, free non-stop, then finally you will become Buddha. All Buddhas do that.

The Heart Sutra, the Five Developments, and the Six Bodhisattva Characters all teach the same thing: the essence of consciousness is as empty as illusion. The universe and your body are empty, because they have no form. There is nothing there, yet they still exist, or something exists, but since illusion is empty there is truly nothing there, both together and separate: that’s the trick of life. All wise men can see through both at once, that is the complete awareness I learned many lifetimes ago, so I understand both tricks.

Once you understand both tricks, then you can reach the monk level of development. It starts with allowing your heart to be free, empty, and pure, but that is another type of ego. It is illusion if you stop developing yourself and remain in this state of pure joy. It helps nobody because that happy and joyous feeling finally becomes loneliness, so in the end, all monks must again learn to have compassion for others, sharing their wisdom about life.

Finally, illusion exists for one reason: to help you share true love through true wisdom, which means that it helps you develop your true awareness to be aware of your body’s energy, aware that you can always develop your illusion body towards a perfect spiritual state or you can make it torture yourself.

Heart Sutra means to understand the complete truth by heart – make heart free and open, heart enjoy and love life though kindness, care, joy, and freedom, stay sharp and always free, don’t get tricked again by illusion, help people but not get lost in the trick of illusion, trick of consciousness, awareness experience and guide them in towards a spiritual direction: that’s the way all Buddhas became bodhisattva and finally after lifetimes doing that, one day their heart complete satisfied. All the perfect karma they created in the past joins together in your heart, prove to yourself every time is always perfect you are joined together and prove that they are perfect truly awakened, then Buddha will appear, that moment No Beginning No End Great Sun Buddha will appear. The final goal of the Heart Sutra is to guide you to understand the system that will bring you to Buddhahood.

What are two final things you must see through?

Consciousness is empty, it has no form, but because it has no form, it is illusion. This doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist otherwise who is speaking, listening, and aware of this? Or is it some kind of illusion?

Consciousness has no form, so is as empty as illusion.

Illusion Being is illusion as empty

Illusion Being opposite always appears as a form but stop it to check essence there is nothing. Illusion Being is not empty because it appears but truly it is as empty. Consciousness is empty as Illusion Being.

Both are yin yang. Both are still one, empty and illusion.

Tell you the tools, four-element body, the Five Developments, 6 consciousness awareness, even the wisdom is empty. If you are possessive towards wisdom, you will never acquire it, wisdom is only found in being wise. If you are not aware that wanting to get wisdom is an illusion, those ideas are not ability then they are illusion. Until those wisdom are no more idea step by step are true hearts is those ideas then ideas don’t exist.

My heart naturally made the dojo happen. I didn’t plan to make a dojo, it’s just the way my heart had to be. I love to develop spirits, I love to aware more, I love to understand life more, I love to aware life deeper, I love to love life, I love to love the life of those people who care and love to understand life, I love people who love their own life. My heart naturally loves them, so it is not from desire or from mind, but direct from heart power. When wisdom becomes your natural heart, then your heart there is only wisdom to be – so slowly to become those wisdom. When you learn Tai Chi, you become the philosophy, you don’t think about the moves. Likewise, your heart only becomes aware when you move through that philosophy, that moment the philosophy is your heart. Even knowledge is empty as illusion as empty. If your heart is possessive of it, then it is illusion. If you are not possessive of something, if you purely want to observe, you truly observe and discover life, without ego because truth of life only appears when your ego disappears.

That’s why I test you all, so your ego does not block your awareness to understand truth of life. Until finally I see that you really don’t care about ego, then wisdom appears by itself. The wisdom you learn comes from controlling your ego. Imagine what would happen if you let your ego control you. Is there any chance you could learn philosophy so deeply? You would have no chance of understanding such a mysterious, deep, complex, yet organised, complete, and detailed eternal philosophy. Wisdom never appears when you are tricked by your blind ego.

So Por Le Bor Lour Me Duo Shing Ching is the fastest way to understand the complete picture of Buddhism and how to become a Buddha.

One thought on “A summary of the Heart Sutra

  1. Dharma Kindness says:

    Hi Kenny – thank you for taking the time to read this. TO meet others in a Dharma-ending time interested to learn the Heart Sutra is indeed rare! Perhaps you are right and they did not understand Buddhism or the Heart Sutra! But I must admit I have experienced a beautiful joy in the heart over many years of studying and practising the wisdom from that class. Perhaps my level is so low that is enough for me! Would you be kind enough to share your understanding so I can learn deeper?

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